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  1. its okay, i actually figured it out. it was that the version of the mod.
  2. alright, so i got forge downloaded, but now im getting this message. do you know how i might be able to fix it.
  3. ok, will do, but right now im making brownies.
  4. okay, so i tried it out and it didnt download. instead, where it normally would show the download, it shows this.
  5. i still havent tried it cause you said it was a last resort. i will try it now.
  6. so is there a way to turn off ad-blocker, or at least find it.
  7. I do not remember. all i know is that they said forgr is the thing you need to get mods to work on minecraft.
  8. i think i read that forged is the best launcher.
  9. still, dont i need a launcher for the mods?
  10. no i did not click the circle. and the mod i want to download is the lucky blocks mod. http://www.minecraftascending.com/projects/lucky_block/lucky_block.html heres the link to the website.
  11. no, this is not a school computer. also, i have tried going into the "all versions section and it doesnt make a difference. i even tried the one used in the video. if it were an anti virus or ad-blocker, where would i find it to turn it off.
  12. ok i got the picture. heres the page before it too.
  13. i was watching a video on how to install the lucky block mod for minecraft and it said to download forge but it wont load the page to download. i can get to the page before it where it shows all the versions, but ive tried a lot of the versions and they all show a blank screen.
  14. adfoc.us/serve/?I'd=27122869327648
  15. whenever i try to install forge from your website, the site wont load. it will only give me a blank screen. i dont know how to post a picture but it is basically a whit screen with the URL bar at the top. it says nothing about an error in loading the installation site.
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