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  1. still need help with this. i have included the 1.12 code in the post.
  2. thanks for the response well i guess as i dont really know much about code, i guess i didnt know the video was pretty bad heres the repo for the mod though: https://github.com/pau101/Cacti
  3. hi, im trying to port a mod named cacti (categorical creative inventory) https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/cacti-categorical-creative-inventory from 1.10.2 to 1.12.2 because the developer has seemingly gone inactive and its very useful. ive very little to no experience with modding or java code in general to be honest so ive been following this guide https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=buQUGhM_ufc guy claims that its pretty easy to port, i mean it seemed simpleish enough, lots of trial and error in eclipse to see what causes errors and what doesnt. when i finally got all the fields and methods etc to be the ones used in 1.12, unfortunately it just doesnt work. though it does compile and forge loads it., but unfortunately nothing happens when the creative inventory is opened. im not entirely sure if i can even post the code here to see what im doing wrong, though heres cacti.java https://pastebin.com/biYDjz2j heres my attempt: https://github.com/xemnes/Cacti-1.12/tree/1.12.2 heres the original source https://github.com/pau101/Cacti if anyone can help me out with this rather grueling task, it would be greatly appreciated.
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