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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. why not?
  2. Im trying to make a client(not a hacked client) but like hyperium client and I added the changes I want but now idk how to make the jar file that goes in the version folder
  3. there is no docs for registerEntityRenderingHandler
  4. this look right>? @Override public void registerEntityRenderer() { RenderingRegistry.registerEntityRenderingHandler(EntityGrant.class, RenderGrant::new); new IRenderFactory<EntityGrant>() { @Override public Render<? super EntityGrant> createRenderFor(RenderManager manager) { return new RenderGrant(manager); } }; }
  5. where should i call registerentityrenderer?
  6. heres the repo https://github.com/JE5143/TKORMod the render class is in the proxy folder because i got lazy
  7. a white blob
  8. I made a custom mob but i can't make it have a texture package proxy; import net.minecraft.client.renderer.entity.RenderLiving; import net.minecraft.client.renderer.entity.RenderManager; import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation; import net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.Side; import net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.SideOnly; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import forge.TKOR.mod.TKORMod; import mobs.EntityGrant; @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public class RenderGrant extends RenderLiving<EntityGrant> { public static final ResourceLocation asd = new ResourceLocation(TKORMod.MODID + ":textures/entity/horse.png"); public RenderGrant(RenderManager rendermanagerIn) { super(rendermanagerIn, new ModelGrant(), 0.75F); } @Nullable @Override protected ResourceLocation getEntityTexture(EntityGrant entity) { //String texturePath = entity.getUnicornTexturePath(); return asd; //new ResourceLocation(TKORMod.MODID+":"+texturePath); } } thats the render class and you can see that the horse.png file is in assets.tkormod.textures.entity
  9. My mod is a auto clicker that c an be toggled using a key bind but this @SubscribeEvent public void onTick(TickEvent.ClientTickEvent event) throws Exception { if (!(Minecraft.getMinecraft()).inGameHasFocus) { return; } if ((Minecraft.getMinecraft()).thePlayer.isBlocking()) { return; } if ((Minecraft.getMinecraft()).thePlayer.getCurrentEquippedItem() == null) { return; } Item weaponCheck = (Minecraft.getMinecraft()).thePlayer.getCurrentEquippedItem().getItem(); Robot bot = new Robot(); if (!Mouse.isButtonDown(0)) { return; } if ((weaponCheck == Items.diamond_sword || weaponCheck == Items.iron_sword || weaponCheck == Items.stone_sword || weaponCheck == Items.wooden_sword || weaponCheck == Items.diamond_axe || weaponCheck == Items.iron_axe || weaponCheck == Items.stone_axe || weaponCheck == Items.wooden_axe) && this.timer.hasReached(1000.0D / getDelay())) { bot.mouseRelease(16); bot.mousePress(16); this.timer.reset(); clicks but only shows a sword swinging fast when im looking at a player, otherwise it just looks like it swings every second and it only hits 1 time a second but i want it to hit at 10-11 cps continuously
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