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  1. so i think you were right in the registering of my ore gen so i tested a few things 1 i commented out ACWorldGen eventWorldGen = new ACWorldGen 2 added in the pre init phase Gameregistry.registerWorldGenaerator(new ACWorldgen(),1); also set diffeerent weight verible to get something to spawn still nothing not sure what i did but it is so not working trying to get my ores tidy up so i can ad 1 more pile of skull gen then idk machines and recipes mabe idk any help in this matter is much appreciated
  2. blocks and ingots/dusts are in the creative tab i can place them in world but worldgen is not worldgening them at all not even a little bit http://imgur.com/kDvVPJh,G39f0O0#0 http://imgur.com/kDvVPJh,G39f0O0#1 as you can tell the names are a little skrewy but they are ingame placed and in inventory but no ore generation https://github.com/colbyjr/aerocorp there is my code ive been on it for 2 days not sure what i did wrong as im very new to the coding
  3. the only thing i can see in my files is my .png files are capitalized ie CopperOre.png should it be with no caps in the png file cases
  4. https://github.com/colbyjr heres the base code and file structure if you have time to chk it out
  5. looking to reach out a lil bit here i have coded all my creative tabs my ore gen and pu the proper png were they need to go to render but in the console i get [22:38:59] [Client thread/ERROR]: Using missing texture, unable to load aerocorp:textures/items/NickleIngot.png java.io.FileNotFoundException: aerocorp:textures/items/NickleIngot.png for all my ores 5 of my ores generate in the creative tabs the other is a funky black and purple box either way they are not generating in world i can load some of my main code if youd like to see it this is a learning experiance for me so if theres a better way please dont hesitate to fill my inexperianced self in aerocorp is my mod i have and loaded copper tin vandinium titanium carbon and nickle the only texture in the creaative tab that done show up is nickle thanks in advance
  6. did those exact steps but when i go to setup new mod code it automatically generates in the .minecraft folder instead of the fold i named so on and so forth ty for ur help
  7. hello all ive just recently started coding and im finding when i setup my project folder on my desktop 2 things happen 1 github wontinteract with said file 2 project directories and folders are in the bottom of src with named folder now when i go and setup a new package or class it makes another sub directorie and setsup were i would put my code on the minecraft src file and its the first set of files forge loads and excepts my mod but all my files that i setup before i made the workspace are elsewhere im farely new to this so please take it easy on me thanks
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