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Posts posted by GreenbackCafe

  1. I'm in the process of rewriting my code after finding a better tutorial, and I was wondering how to use an item as a repair material for tools/armor. Before, I would just call the variable directly from my ItemList (which would have things like "public static Item copper_ingot;"), and the ItemList would be used to statically initialise the items. Now that I've learned that's not a good idea, I switched to Cadiboo's method, but I no longer have a variable to reference as an Item for things like this. Is there another way to do this? 


    I'd also appreciate any general suggestions on how to improve my code. 


  2. I'm in the process of rewriting my code after finding a better tutorial, and I was wondering how to use an item as a repair material for tools/armor. Before, I would just call the variable directly from my ItemList (which would have things like "public static Item copper_ingot;"), and the ItemList would be used to statically initialise the items. Now that I've learned that's not a good idea, I switched to Cadiboo's method, but I no longer have a variable to reference as an Item for things like this. Is there another way to do this? 


    I'd also appreciate any general suggestions on how to improve my code. 


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