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Everything posted by Zewy2660

  1. Thanksss it worked
  2. SO we decreased the ram of the .bat file but it seems to stop at [Thread-18/INFO] [THAUMCRAFT]: Stopping aura thread for dim 7 and doesnt load anything
  3. So i found at that the problem was with the damage indicator mod so i removed it but now the server console seems to stop on its own after running a few a commands.There is also no new crash reports being generated latest(1).log
  4. java -Xmx8096M -Xms8096M -jar forge-1.12.2- nogui PAUSE So i started running the forge file through a run.bat file using the text above and it proceeds to crash. I removed voxelmap from the mods and the console seems to freeze. crash-2019-06-26_19.50.02-server.txt debug.log latest.log
  5. so i used that exact forge build and get the following reports crash-2019-06-26_14.13.19-server.txt debug.log latest.log
  6. Okay I'll put that version of voxelmap in but could you please direct me to which forge installer i should use.
  7. could you please explain this im new to this stuff.
  8. i removed voxelmap and it still seems to crash latest.log crash-2019-06-26_13.43.00-server.txt
  9. The modpack is called discount ums 2.0 on the technic launcher
  10. I have made a 1.12.2 server with the following mods: Baubles Backpack Damage Indicators Voxelmap Battle towers Portal gun Ender Storage Mo Creatures Iron chest Buildcraft Buildcraft compat Treecap Thaumicenergistics Morph Libraries Ichunutil Biomes O Plenty Bibliocraft Tinkers Construct Mantle Optifine Ic2 Extreme Reactors Ae2 Ae2 stuff Bdlib Galacticraft Core Galacticraft Planets Micdoodle Core Twilight Forest Better FPS Pam's Harvest Craft AppleCore Spice Of Life Thermal Dynamics Thermal Expansion Thermal Foundation Chicken Chunks CoFHCore CoFH World Code Chicken Lib Vanilla fix Hwyla Biomes you'll go Zero Core Thaumcraft Thaumic JEI JEI Just Enough Resources Just Enough Energisticd Just Enough Harvest Craft Tinkers JEI Just Enough Reactors Familiar fauna Aether Gravestone Iron tanks Deconstruction Table As the forge server jar file starts up it runs for a few seconds and then proceeds to crash Here is the crash report and log files generated after the crash, Crash Report: https://pastebin.com/TGp6PHsg "latest" file from log folder: https://pastebin.com/Ah1JidVN "debug" file from log folder: https://pastebin.com/GSxGFjmr
  11. The modpack is call Discount UMS on the Technic Launcher
  12. So I made a Minecraft 1.7.10 forge server and inserted the following mods Backpack Damage Indicators Reis minimap Battle towers Portal gun Thaumic Tinker Ender Storage Mo Creatures Better loading screen Iron chest Buildcraft Buildcraft compat Grav gun Treecap Nei Nei addons Thaumcraft Nei Thaumicenergistics JurrasiCraft Morph Libraries Ichunutil Biomes O Plenty Bibliocraft Bibliowoods EE3 Waila Waila Harvestiability Tinkers Construct Mantle Optifine Ic2 Aether 2 Gilded Games Big Reactors Ae2 Ae2 stuff Bdlib Galacticraft Core Galacticraft Planets Micdoodle Core Twilight Forest Better FPS Pam's Harvest Craft AppleCore Spice Of Life Thermal Dynamics Thermal Expansion Thermal Foundation Chicken Chunks Code Chicken Core CoFHCore Baubles (when running the forge jar file baubles gets deleted from the mod folder) but the forge jar file wont even run properly Heres the FML Server Latest Log https://pastebin.com/K74qbC1P
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