It could be the galacticraft, when i deleted this mod, save opened, adn there were no crash, i will attempt with the ohter versions of the galacticraft.
So firstly i am going to delete, the whole galacticraft, and see if it works without, it.
And if it would work it will means that the problem was abouth Galacticraft mode.
Hi, it s me again, sorry but now i have this, and my save is again shuting down before it opens. Thi time i made spoilers, as you wished.
Again please for HELP!!!!
I tried to fix it but, i am not such a good in english.
OH man you are the best, it s working, god bless you, if i will have something wrong with it i will write!!!!
Do you think if, i would install another version damage indicator, or some mod to showing mobs are friendly or not, would it work?
Hi i am writing from poland, i have problem, When i enter the save after just a milisecoud it is automatically shuting down, with phrase ,,shutting down internal server'' could you help me, PLEASE