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  1. Yup. Forgot to post it here, but everything got fixed by switching to tags. Thanks to both of you.
  2. Somehow, fixing the path to the recipe files (from assets/deathcraft/recipes to data/deathcraft/recipes) fixed the texture problem, but not the recipe one. So now the textures do appear, but the recipes still don't work.
  3. Edit src/main/resources/META-INF/mods.toml so that it contains the information Forge needs.
  4. Two of my texture files, item/hammer_iron.png and item/hammer_diamond.png are not found by Forge although they do exist at the specified paths: [Server-Worker-4/ERROR] [minecraft/AtlasTexture]: Using missing texture, unable to load deathcraft:textures/item/hammer_iron.png : java.io.FileNotFoundException: deathcraft:textures/item/hammer_iron.png [Server-Worker-5/ERROR] [minecraft/AtlasTexture]: Using missing texture, unable to load deathcraft:textures/block/worktable_side.png : java.io.FileNotFoundException: deathcraft:textures/block/worktable_side.png [Server-Worker-4/ERROR] [minecraft/AtlasTexture]: Using missing texture, unable to load deathcraft:textures/block/worktable_bottom.png : java.io.FileNotFoundException: deathcraft:textures/block/worktable_bottom.png [Server-Worker-2/ERROR] [minecraft/AtlasTexture]: Using missing texture, unable to load deathcraft:textures/item/hammer_diamond.png : java.io.FileNotFoundException: deathcraft:textures/item/hammer_diamond.png [Server-Worker-4/ERROR] [minecraft/AtlasTexture]: Using missing texture, unable to load deathcraft:textures/block/worktable_top.png : java.io.FileNotFoundException: deathcraft:textures/block/worktable_top.png (the block/worktable_ textures don't exist yet, so it's normal that they don't get found) Textures are placed in the src/main/resources/assets/deathcraft/textures/item folder, as they should according to the documentation. Also, none of my 4 recipes (including 2 of a custom type) seem to work within the game: no error messages related to them in the console, but nothing appears in the output slot when I attempt to replicate the patterns in a crafting table. All of my JSON files (models and recipes) are valid according to the several tests I did using a Node.js REPL — You'll find them attached if you want to take a look. hammer_iron.json hammer_diamond.json worktable_iron.json worktable_diamond.json hammer_iron.json hammer_diamond.json
  5. Is there a known way to set the "data" value of a shaped crafting recipe result to be equal to that of a specific input item?
  6. I'm using Eclipse, which did not recommend it when I typed the old name. I had the same problem with ItemBlock/BlockItem - solved it by looking into the net.minecraft.item package. Thanks for the quick answer.
  7. I need to instanciate a `TextComponentTranslation` for item tooltip internationalization purposes, however `net.minecraft.util.text.TextComponentTranslation` does not seem to exist within forge-1.14.3-27.0.17_mapped_snapshot_20190621-1.14.2.jar. Did it go elsewhere since 1.13? Am I missing something?
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