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  1. I need the Minecraft source code to figure out how to use some classes that my mod needs. I'm new to modding, and my understanding is that Minecraft code is obfuscated, so the best way to figure out how it works is to see other references within the code. I'm wondering if there is a repo that people have made with decompiled source code and maybe even some touchups, comments, and documentation on previously confusing parts. I've decompiled Java before, but I seem to recall it was a bit of a hassle. So two questions: Is there a good source for viewing Minecraft source code already out there? If not, what decompiler should I download and how do I use it for this purpose?
  2. Yeah...I'm really just trying to spare myself having to decompile it myself. I'm not even sure how I would do that honestly. I worked with a Java decompiler before, but it generated errors when it decompiled. Not sure if that's normal. I'd spare myself the headache if I could. But I'll look for myself. Thanks!
  3. Hey, sorry to hit you with another reply, but do you know any particular repo forge developers usually look at for Minecraft source code? I understand Minecraft isn't open source so it is probably decompiled, but I'm sure I could find several different repos, some better documented and put together than others, so I'm wondering if you know the best choice.
  4. That's very cool of you to be documenting this stuff. Yeah, I understand better now. I don't know why I was thinking that 100% of the things I interacted with were Forge API. Again, just my experience with Bukkit and other projects and having never actually modded a game client before. But it is also cool that the community is documenting the Minecraft code too (if I understood correctly). I've never contributed to anything public before, documentation or open source projects, but I certainly could, and I kind of want to. Maybe once I'm done playing around with Forge, I'll take you up on that.
  5. adding this as a reply because I could not for the life of me figure out how to quote/reply in the last message
  6. I guess I can see how this isn't topical and agree on that. I gotta say though, it sounds a bit of a stretch to say that you'd be "writing my mod for me" by providing basic documentation. I asked for tutorials too, but not as much for "teaching" as standing in place of the painfully lacking documentation. Your suggestion to use Minecraft source code though has made me realize something I assumed incorrectly. I was thinking that a lot of these classes belonged to Forge API and not Minecraft itself (just my silly neglecting to look at package names and being used to Bukkit), in which case the lack of documentation would be unacceptable. That wouldn't really make sense for a modding tool to provide an interface into everything I suppose, but I am new to this whole thing and didn't consider it. So I guess we can't expect this community to document what isn't theirs. Thanks for the indirect insight delivered by way of your somewhat passive aggressive reply. I think I know where to start now.
  7. I haven't even got my mod off the ground yet, so I don't have a particular problem or unexpected behavior with my code. I'm brand new to modding with Forge, but I have written Java before for server mods and other purposes. The official documentation for Forge seems to be less than incomplete. It covers maybe 10% of classes and topics with very little detail. Combine this with the seemingly drastic change in class names, method names, parameters, and processes between versions, and the result is that there seems to be not a single up-to-date guiding piece of information on the entire internet to show me how to do something as simple as create a custom container GUI. I found one YouTube tutorial that at least showed me how to implement AbstractContainerMenu, but he has not yet released the next part, which shows how to link it to the custom GUI screen. Does anyone know which steps are needed to implement this? It seems to require the renderBg abstract method, but how do you actually render the screen within this method and connect it with your Menu class? Edit: in case anyone looks at my profile and sees a post from 2019, I still consider myself "new to forge" because I didn't really get into it back then. Just wanted to clear that up for the off chance that someone calls me a liar lol
  8. I'm new to Forge and I just installed the client and downloaded the MDK. I ran the installer and selected "client." When I run an installation with the forge version, it seems to run fine, and the "mods" button does appear. I made sure to use the same version for both the MDK and the client, which was also the latest recommended version. But every time I call something from net.minecraft (such as Blocks.DIRT), it crashes with a NoSuchField exception. At first I modified the example mod a little, but finally I just downloaded it, put it in IntelliJ, and compiled it into a .jar with no modifications. It still gives me this error as soon as it loads: Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: DIRT at com.example.examplemod.ExampleMod.init(ExampleMod.java:29) ... I would think this would be caused by a version mismatch, but again, I did make double sure that the versions were the same. If nobody has an answer to why this is happening, could someone at least tell me a better way to get started to avoid this? I seem to be the only one with this problem, so maybe I'm approaching it wrong from the start.
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