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Everything posted by stephanieNight

  1. Hey all. i am trying to create a musket inspired by the likes of the old balkans weapons mod and want to use the minecraft 1.14 Crossbow's animation and behavior when loaded / unloaded. but i have been unable to replicate this behavior, with the both hands on the crossbow/ new rifle. but i have been unsuccessful of replicating it. and i can not find any documentation on the mine craft animation system and how it work with forge. i have tried everything i can think of from copying the entire crossbow class and just make the musket a skin - to deep dives in the the source. i have not been eble to find the demon tweek to make it work. so i come here for help TL;DR How do i trigger the two handed animation used for crossbows in 1.14.4 for other weapons ? hope one of you have some advice. because, rigthnow the musket is onehanded XD / stephanie
  2. hey, im having some problems recreating what you did, is it possible to share your code, for us newbs ? ?
  3. i actually tryied doing this and no it does not look like it is super simple, if anyone have a clue on how to do it i whould love some advice.
  4. HAHA finally figured out something that reliably works for not eclipse users. if using VS Code add in the "Java extension pack." that gives amoung other thing the ability to bind the forge code and deofuscate the whole thing. hope this can help others
  5. Hey all. im starting to dip my toes back into mod making for this new version of forge. Im trying to make a magic mod and for that i want a mana bar on the gui in the same style as vanilla. sadly i havent been able to find much to go on then it comes to version 1.14, a lot of good mod for 1.12 but from what i understand a lot has happened to the forge API between the two versions. i ave worked with programming before and watched and looked for tutorals that only covered the usaul "basics" (Tools weapons items ores etc.) the docs dont have much to go on in that regard, so now im comming here for help with the hope of someone being able to point me in the right diretion. :) kind regards Stephanie.
  6. Hmm okay just ran the gradlew eclipse command, opened eclipse and now i can see some source files. all good, opened the same file back in netbeans and that is linked perfect as well. Name forge-1.14.3-27.0.20_mapped_snapshot_20190704-1.14.3 file : GLX from pacage package com.mojang.blaze3d.platform; [Removed] that is all good and pretty, however some other files under package net.minecraft.state for example is still the compiled jiberish. [Removed] im calling it a nigth and concluding that the mapper and forge it self is still in beta and i should properly wait untill a stable release, thank a lot guys i learned some new thing here that hopefully will make the error fixing easyer in the future.
  7. hmmm looked around for the file you mentioned under my gradle cache. (whire i found the forge-1.14.3-27.0.23_mapped_snapshot_20190704-1.14.3) assumed it whould be there as well with out any luck. ill try fire up eclipse as that is most people seams too be using (just hate working with it) and i will work my way from there. thank you soo much for trying Moon ❤️
  8. it has gradle support? ohh ill check that, thanks
  9. 1. cant find those. still new to this. i tryed the forge-version-mappedsnapshot.jar (do you need the exact version numbers ?) as that was what a kind youtuber showed. 2. running it though netbeans with console gradlew commands
  10. i will try an explain better, im trying to figure out how the crossbow works but then i open the compiled .class file all i see inside the method is stuff like this : public static int getMiningSpeedup(LivingEntity p_205134_0_) { // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Compiled Code"> /* 0: iconst_0 * 1: istore_1 * 2: iconst_0 * 3: istore_2 * 4: aload_0 * 5: getstatic net/minecraft/potion/Effects.HASTE:Lnet/minecraft/potion/Effect; * 8: invokevirtual net/minecraft/entity/LivingEntity.isPotionActive:(Lnet/minecraft/potion/Effect;)Z * 11: ifeq 25 * 14: aload_0 * 15: getstatic net/minecraft/potion/Effects.HASTE:Lnet/minecraft/potion/Effect; * 18: invokevirtual net/minecraft/entity/LivingEntity.getActivePotionEffect:(Lnet/minecraft/potion/Effect;)Lnet/minecraft/potion/EffectInstance; * 21: invokevirtual net/minecraft/potion/EffectInstance.getAmplifier:()I * 24: istore_1 * 25: aload_0 * 26: getstatic net/minecraft/potion/Effects.CONDUIT_POWER:Lnet/minecraft/potion/Effect; * 29: invokevirtual net/minecraft/entity/LivingEntity.isPotionActive:(Lnet/minecraft/potion/Effect;)Z * 32: ifeq 46 * 35: aload_0 * 36: getstatic net/minecraft/potion/Effects.CONDUIT_POWER:Lnet/minecraft/potion/Effect; * 39: invokevirtual net/minecraft/entity/LivingEntity.getActivePotionEffect:(Lnet/minecraft/potion/Effect;)Lnet/minecraft/potion/EffectInstance; * 42: invokevirtual net/minecraft/potion/EffectInstance.getAmplifier:()I * 45: istore_2 * 46: iload_1 * 47: iload_2 * 48: invokestatic java/lang/Math.max:(II)I * 51: ireturn * */ // </editor-fold> } [ just a random class from the forge libary. ] will that be deoft too at some point is my question. i saw a tutorial for version1.13 where the guy was able to look past it somehow hope this helps
  11. is there any way to get into the compliled code of minecraft by any chance ?
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