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Everything posted by berserker793

  1. I want my entity to spawn a few seconds after the sound plays player.playSound(SoundInit.HORN_DISC.get(), SoundCategory.AMBIENT, 5.0f, 1.0f); if(entitytype.spawn((ServerWorld)world, itemstack, context.getPlayer(), blockpos1, SpawnReason.SPAWN_EGG, true, !Objects.equals(blockpos, blockpos1) && direction == Direction.UP) != null) { if(!player.abilities.isCreativeMode) { itemstack.setDamage(1); } }
  2. Hello. I want to delay the execution of code, so therefore I need a manual tick counter. Problem is I don't know how to make a manual tick counter. Can someone send me an example of one or simply explain what I have to do? Please understand that I am new modding and coding in general so I'd appreciate it if you were to give a more detailed explanation. Thanks in advance.
  3. I want to make an object of ServerWorld inside the Item#onItemUse method. I am very new to java and modding and I need help. I tried doing ServerWorld world = new Serverworld(...); but it has a lot of parameters. So how should I do this?
  4. So I am new to modding and I was wondering how I can like my 2 (and more in the future) mods using dependencies (I have my main mod and a side mod). I tried putting the dependency in the mods.toml file and include the .jar file of my main mod in run>mods but it shows an error (shown below). https://github.com/congueror/CTools https://github.com/congueror/CLib EDIT: congueror's lib is my main mod
  5. When ever I try killing the ender dragon it crashes my game and sends me this: Colliding entity with block java.lang.NullPointerException: Colliding entity with block I have 5GB Allocated and I tried this with no mods and it still crashed. Please fix this and keep up the good work.
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