I installed Forge using forge-1.14.3-27.0.25-installer.jar file, launched from the same drive that Minecraft is installed on, however it also fails when launched from any drive. Forge appears in the game list as 1.14.3-forge-27.0.25 (https://i.imgur.com/lzh2bxe.png), but when attempting to launch the game, the client disappears and then says the game crashed due to an unexpected issue (https://i.imgur.com/tJTPhAX.png). I have absolutely no mods installed, and happens when even creating a new empty Forge installation through the launcher. I have also made sure Minecraft 1.14.3 has launched at least once before and after installation of Forge. There's a button that says "View crash report", however like most of these buttons (such as the "Browse" button when creating a new game installation) it does absolutely nothing. I believe the crash log is located in "~/.minecraft/logs/latest.log", and the log file the EAQ asks for does not exist - I don't have a "debug.log" file (https://i.imgur.com/iExkZlc.png). If I am looking in the wrong location, please let me know. I'll provide both the installer.log and the latest.log files at the end of the post via a Pastebin link.
System Information
OS: Manjaro Linux w/ KDE Plasma 5.16 & Linux Kernel 4.19
CPU: Intel i5-6500
GPU: AMD Sapphire RX 480 (8GB)
Minecraft version: 1.14.3
Launcher version: 2.1.5410
Minecraft "latest.log" crash: https://pastebin.com/SV7vvb1H
Forge "installer.log" file: https://paste.ee/p/UNjWk (was too big for Pastebin, sorry)