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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. Just trying to figure out what's crashing me-- It's a completely fresh install- but I'll provide whatever additional files are needed. Crashlog at pastebin https://pastebin.com/DR7yTW3j
  2. I could figure that much out. Any Idea why it happened?
  3. I don’t have mobends on the server, the mod wings just supports the mod it and gets disabled if mobends isn’t installed, and it says it’s disabled in the bottom if you look. Like I said it crashes after fully launching and being up. I can play on the server but it crashes after a while. I can still try removing wings if you think it’ll help.
  4. Here's my pastebin, I honestly don't even know where to start. https://pastebin.com/fQp64wXX
  5. Any idea on the specific ones that it might be?
  6. As said in the title, the server I'm running runs fine for a short time after starting, but then crashes shortly after being up within around 5-6 minutes of being up. Asking around someone said it has to do with something called a, "tick entity", but I'm not very knowledgeable on reading crashlogs so I can't quite tell what the issue is, myself but here's the latest crashlog: https://pastebin.com/Peh08kdP Thank you in advance for your time, any help or suggestions on what to do is greatly appreciated!
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