Until a few weeks ago I hated everything packet too. But they really do help, basically what seems to be happening is that onBlockDestroyedByPlayer is only client side so it fails to tell the dedicated server that the block has been destroyed. So what you want to do is tell the server that the block has been destroyed. You do this with packets.
Proxies are just sided code. If the code only runs on the client, then you have to use packets to tell the server anything.
Oops yes, I meant packets. I'm tired don't judge me.
EDIT: Here @OP http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php?topic=20135.0
I keep getting errors when I compile my mod despite the mod working fine within the workspace.
How do I know when errors such as this will happen:
java.lang.AbstractMethodError: com.thecallunxz.realmsofascencia.entities.mobs.bosses.EntityBossElgra.getHealth()F
at com.thecallunxz.realmsofascencia.entities.mobs.bosses.BossCustomStatus.setBossStatus(BossCustomStatus.java:11)
at com.thecallunxz.realmsofascencia.entities.mobs.bosses.EntityBossElgra.func_70071_h_(EntityBossElgra.java:156)
at net.minecraft.world.World.func_72866_a(World.java:1951)
at net.minecraft.world.World.func_72870_g(World.java:1920)
at net.minecraft.world.World.func_72939_s(World.java:1743)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_71407_l(Minecraft.java:1788)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_71411_J(Minecraft.java:1056)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_99999_d(Minecraft.java:369)
at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:124)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:62)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:483)
at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.launch(Launch.java:135)
at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.main(Launch.java:28)
Kind of annoying.
OMG DERP. It was possible for a room to have 0 connections making the entire loop stop. Sometimes I question my intelligence. Can a mod just remove this entire thread ?? Sorry for the pointless post.
I'm creating a dungeon dimension. The layout of the dungeon is generated using a simple loop that stops itself after the max amount of rooms has been reached. However, it only ever generates about 4 rooms and then stops itself???
Is there a way to generate the layout without it stopping itself whilst still being able to use the seed of the world to generate the layout? Another class perhaps? Maybe chunkprovider isn't the greatest place to do this...
Here is a snip of my code:
The list of points is then used to generate the dungeon.
When I run the code I get print outs of 56, 55, 54, 53, 52 and then no more. It just stops itself. Any reason why?
Thanks in advance.
How would I do this? sounds.json files are the bane of me.
Here is my file:
"idlebones": {"category": "master", "sounds": ["idlebones1", "idlebones2", "idlebones3"]},
"hitbones": {"category": "master", "sounds": ["hitbones"]},
"deathbones": {"category": "master", "sounds": ["deathbones"]},
"bossmusic": {"category": "master", "sounds": ["bossmusic"]}
Hello guys.
I'm going to get straight to the point, basically Minecraft freezes when I spawn in a mob that has boss battle music . It remains frozen for about 5 seconds then continues. It only does this once every time I load up Minecraft. After that it has no problem spawning in the boss and playing the music. Help?
Moving Sound Class:
Entity Class:
Client Proxy Class:
Any help is greatly appreciated! Thanks
- TheCallunxz