I'm working on a mod that adds a few new items to the game. It works fine in single player. It works fine in SMP when I run it from the eclipse IDE. I got it to run fine with builds of Minecraft over the network as well, but there was a problem.
I initially assumed that if I set the item IDs to 0-3, that Forge or ModLoader or something would remap them to whatever they needed to be. I was going off of some tutorials I cobbled together, and they all assumed that indexing for their examples. When I got the mod to work, I could craft the new items in SMP but 2 of the items replaced the iron pickaxe and shovel. I didn't check for what the others replaced.
I went back to the drawing board and assumed I needed to set the index higher to a spot that wasn't taken by preexisting items. I tried 247-250, 400-403, and 146-149, but all of these resulted in "Internal exception: java.IOException: Received string length is less than zero! Weird string!"
After some forum digging, it appears that this can happen when item IDs conflict, so I'm trying to figure out how to manage this correctly. I'm sure there's a disconnect in the way I'm copying the source code from the client to the server as well as the way I'm indexing the items.
I'm also intentionally not getting into config files at this point because it's just a local mod for the people in my office. If there's an easy explanation as to how to incorporate those, and that would help solve the problem I'm up for trying it out, as I plan on researching that before I release this thing into the wild anyway.
mod server source:
client mod source: