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Everything posted by meathelix

  1. Ok, it looks like scrapping everything and starting over with a fresh MCP and Forge 153 instead of 135 made everything work. Go figure.
  2. I'm using 135 on both. It was just the recommended version I came across when I was setting things up at the end of last week. I'm going to try migrating to 152 or 153 and see if that changes anything. Also, what logging program do you recommend? The search results come up with several random ones, and I don't know which one is the best to use.
  3. Those were both in the zip file I got from http://minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php/topic,371.0.html All I did was grab a fresh jar from Minecraft.net, remove the META-INF folder and copied in the contents of the zip file linked to in that post. It looks like there's a ModLoader class in that zip.
  4. Ok, here you go. Dump from client: Dump from server:
  5. So, ignoring the exception for a second, using the IDs 146-149 should have worked, right? Also, the bug only occurs when I run with the standalone game, so I can't get a stack trace. Running it from the IDE and the MCP batch files works perfectly, much to my dismay.
  6. I'm working on a mod that adds a few new items to the game. It works fine in single player. It works fine in SMP when I run it from the eclipse IDE. I got it to run fine with builds of Minecraft over the network as well, but there was a problem. I initially assumed that if I set the item IDs to 0-3, that Forge or ModLoader or something would remap them to whatever they needed to be. I was going off of some tutorials I cobbled together, and they all assumed that indexing for their examples. When I got the mod to work, I could craft the new items in SMP but 2 of the items replaced the iron pickaxe and shovel. I didn't check for what the others replaced. I went back to the drawing board and assumed I needed to set the index higher to a spot that wasn't taken by preexisting items. I tried 247-250, 400-403, and 146-149, but all of these resulted in "Internal exception: java.IOException: Received string length is less than zero! Weird string!" After some forum digging, it appears that this can happen when item IDs conflict, so I'm trying to figure out how to manage this correctly. I'm sure there's a disconnect in the way I'm copying the source code from the client to the server as well as the way I'm indexing the items. I'm also intentionally not getting into config files at this point because it's just a local mod for the people in my office. If there's an easy explanation as to how to incorporate those, and that would help solve the problem I'm up for trying it out, as I plan on researching that before I release this thing into the wild anyway. mod server source: client mod source:
  7. I'm working on an item that alters the player's fov, and I'm trying to find a way to access that property from within the item using the Forge. I did this a long time ago with a vanilla mod where I was just hacking around with base classes for my own amusement, and now I'd like to know how to do this the proper way in a mod that's more portable. Would the hook for FoV be somewhere in Forge, or is there another way to access the main Minecraft class (and its GameSettings) from inside an item?
  8. I had been avoiding obfuscation because I saw some forum posts that advised against doing that. Maybe I was getting the wrong impression out of context. Either way, it worked! Thanks.
  9. I've been searching all over the net for a comprehensive guide to modding with Forge, and while there are a lot of getting started tutorials and snippets here and there, I haven't seen one that takes you from coding the mod, to compiling it in MCP to zipping it up for using with Forge in a real world installation of Minecraft. So here's my issue. I have a super barebones mod. All it has right now is a temp recipe and a getVersion method. It's all in one file (mod_HelloWorld.class) and it works fine when I run it from within Eclipse or from the startclient.bat file in MCP. The problem comes when I try to take the .class files from my MCP folders, zip them (mod_HelloWorld.zip) and drop them into a mods folder in a standalone installation of Minecraft (the one over in %appdata%). When I try to run the executable with that arrangement, I get past the Login screen and I get the following error: It's obvious that I'm missing some step somewhere in between, but I haven't been able to find an A to B tutorial that might illuminate what that might be. I have other mods in the mod folder that Forge has no problem loading, so it's not a problem with the Forge installation. the META-INF and all that was removed from my Minecraft.jar, etc. Any ideas?
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