Hello, I'm trying to create a custom RenderType for my block, using a custom lightmap LightmapStateCustom
object RenderTypes {
private val SHADE_ENABLED = RenderState.ShadeModelState(true)
private val LIGHTMAP_ENABLED = LightmapStateCustom()
private val BLOCK_SHEET_MIPPED = RenderState.TextureState(AtlasTexture.LOCATION_BLOCKS_TEXTURE, false, true)
val SOLID2: RenderType = RenderType.makeType("solid2", DefaultVertexFormats.BLOCK, 7, 2097152, true, false, RenderType.State.getBuilder().shadeModel(SHADE_ENABLED).lightmap(LIGHTMAP_ENABLED).texture(BLOCK_SHEET_MIPPED).build(true))
For now the only methods LightmapStateCustom overrides are `equals(other)` and `hashCode()` (`RenderType.makeType` would otherwise return an existing RenderType) so the RenderType is logically identical to SOLID, but the block does not render (as you can see on the screenshot below)