Thx shield and grey.
Yes shield that is what I meant
TGG thx for that piece, it was easy to figure out once I had an example.
Just so others can see:
private boolean isDoorOpen(World world, int x, int y, int z) {
int metadata = world.getBlockMetadata(x, y, z);
return (metadata & 4) != 0;
Hey guys I have only one question.
Since I have never worked with bitwise operators I can't figure is out myself.
How would I check if a door is open?
Sincerely, Roberto
All I can tell you is the same thing I did with my custom door!
N steps!
1: copy the whole BlockStairClass.
2: deobfuscate it as much as you can if it's not already deobfuscated
3: do one and 2 for all classes it needs to function properly ( for me it was ItemDoor)
4: repeat 1 and 2 for those classes (if any)
5: remove unnecessary things
6: profit???
Nope not mine
But very good, I bookmarked them when I was using them, so I wanted to share them with you.
I'm not an ultra advanced user, but if you need help with something you can always pm me.
I'm more than good with Java.
1st place in a Balkan(5 country (I think)) competition.
Ok, FIRST, you NEED to know at least basic Java:
by that I mean, OOP, and ,well OOP.
Then, work through ALL of the tutorials, doesn't matter if you will not make a custom chest!
Learn it you might need it.
And if I may suggest learning NBT, you're gonna need it.
Good luck!
So I've wanted to make a new door, with a code gui.
I have a problem obviously.
So, the problem is that the block is displaying invisible, and does not have a 2 high bounding box;
P.S. I have no texture, but it should have that pretty (khm sarcasm) pink-black missing texture.
P.P.S. As you see I've taken my time to deobf the code so you can read it easier!