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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. Hello there, I'm modding a bit for a while now and I saw in a few tutorials that some people can read the code of the files in "Referenced Libaries" in Eclipse, what'd make modding way easier for me. Sadly, it isn't the case for me, the only informations I get when I'm trying to open the files are: "Class File Editor" "Source not found" "The JAR file C:\Users\Skrallbadoor\.gradle\cache\forge_gradle_minecraft:user_repo\net\minecraft......................\1.14.2.jar has no source attachment" "You can attach the source by clicking Attach Source below:" [Attach Source...] and then code like: / Compiled from ItemEntity.java (version 1.8 : 52.0, super bit) public class net.minecraft.entity.item.ItemEntity extends net.minecraft.entity.Entity { // Field descriptor #12 Lnet/minecraft/network/datasync/DataParameter; // Signature: Lnet/minecraft/network/datasync/DataParameter<Lnet/minecraft/item/ItemStack;>; private static final net.minecraft.network.datasync.DataParameter ITEM; // Field descriptor #15 I private int age; // Field descriptor #15 I private int pickupDelay; // Field descriptor #15 I private int health; // Field descriptor #19 Ljava/util/UUID; private java.util.UUID thrower; // Field descriptor #19 Ljava/util/UUID; private java.util.UUID owner; // Field descriptor #15 I public int lifespan; // Field descriptor #23 F public final float hoverStart; // Method descriptor #25 (Lnet/minecraft/entity/EntityType;Lnet/minecraft/world/World;)V // Signature: (Lnet/minecraft/entity/EntityType<+Lnet/minecraft/entity/item/ItemEntity;>;Lnet/minecraft/world/World;)V // Stack: 5, Locals: 3 public ItemEntity(net.minecraft.entity.EntityType p_i50217_1_, net.minecraft.world.World p_i50217_2_); 0 aload_0 [this] 1 aload_1 [p_i50217_1_] 2 aload_2 [p_i50217_2_] 3 invokespecial net.minecraft.entity.Entity(net.minecraft.entity.EntityType, net.minecraft.world.World) [28] 6 aload_0 [this] 7 iconst_5 8 putfield net.minecraft.entity.item.ItemEntity.health : int [30] 11 aload_0 [this] 12 sipush 6000 15 putfield net.minecraft.entity.item.ItemEntity.lifespan : int [32] 18 aload_0 [this] 19 invokestatic java.lang.Math.random() : double [38] 22 ldc2_w <Double 3.141592653589793> [39] 25 dmul 26 ldc2_w <Double 2.0> [41] 29 dmul 30 d2f 31 putfield net.minecraft.entity.item.ItemEntity.hoverStart : float [44] 34 return Line numbers: [pc: 0, line: 48] [pc: 6, line: 38] [pc: 11, line: 44] [pc: 18, line: 45] [pc: 34, line: 49] Local variable table: [pc: 0, pc: 35] local: this index: 0 type: net.minecraft.entity.item.ItemEntity [pc: 0, pc: 35] local: p_i50217_1_ index: 1 type: net.minecraft.entity.EntityType [pc: 0, pc: 35] local: p_i50217_2_ index: 2 type: net.minecraft.world.World Local variable type table: [pc: 0, pc: 35] local: p_i50217_1_ index: 1 type: net.minecraft.entity.EntityType<? extends net.minecraft.entity.item.ItemEntity> // Method descriptor #52 (Lnet/minecraft/world/World;DDD)V // Stack: 9, Locals: 8 public ItemEntity(net.minecraft.world.World p_i1709_1_, double p_i1709_2_, double p_i1709_4_, double p_i1709_6_); 0 aload_0 [this] 1 getstatic net.minecraft.entity.EntityType.ITEM : net.minecraft.entity.EntityType [56] 4 aload_1 [p_i1709_1_] 5 invokespecial net.minecraft.entity.item.ItemEntity(net.minecraft.entity.EntityType, net.minecraft.world.World) [57] 8 aload_0 [this] 9 dload_2 [p_i1709_2_] 10 dload 4 [p_i1709_4_] 12 dload 6 [p_i1709_6_] 14 invokevirtual net.minecraft.entity.item.ItemEntity.setPosition(double, double, double) : void [61] 17 aload_0 [this] 18 aload_0 [this] 19 getfield net.minecraft.entity.item.ItemEntity.rand : java.util.Random [65] 22 invokevirtual java.util.Random.nextFloat() : float [71] 25 ldc <Float 360.0> [72] 27 fmul 28 putfield net.minecraft.entity.item.ItemEntity.rotationYaw : float [75] 31 aload_0 [this] 32 aload_0 [this] 33 getfield net.minecraft.entity.item.ItemEntity.rand : java.util.Random [65] 36 invokevirtual java.util.Random.nextDouble() : double [78] 39 ldc2_w <Double 0.2> [79] 42 dmul 43 ldc2_w <Double 0.1> [81] 46 dsub 47 ldc2_w <Double 0.2> [79] 50 aload_0 [this] 51 getfield net.minecraft.entity.item.ItemEntity.rand : java.util.Random [65] 54 invokevirtual java.util.Random.nextDouble() : double [78] 57 ldc2_w <Double 0.2> [79] 60 dmul 61 ldc2_w <Double 0.1> [81] 64 dsub 65 invokevirtual net.minecraft.entity.item.ItemEntity.setMotion(double, double, double) : void [85] 68 return Line numbers: [pc: 0, line: 52] [pc: 8, line: 53] [pc: 17, line: 54] [pc: 31, line: 55] [pc: 68, line: 56] Local variable table: [pc: 0, pc: 69] local: this index: 0 type: net.minecraft.entity.item.ItemEntity [pc: 0, pc: 69] local: p_i1709_1_ index: 1 type: net.minecraft.world.World [pc: 0, pc: 69] local: p_i1709_2_ index: 2 type: double [pc: 0, pc: 69] local: p_i1709_4_ index: 4 type: double [pc: 0, pc: 69] local: p_i1709_6_ index: 6 type: double // Method descriptor #91 (Lnet/minecraft/world/World;DDDLnet/minecraft/item/ItemStack;)V // Stack: 8, Locals: 9 public ItemEntity(net.minecraft.world.World p_i1710_1_, double p_i1710_2_, double p_i1710_4_, double p_i1710_6_, net.minecraft.item.ItemStack p_i1710_8_); 0 aload_0 [this] 1 aload_1 [p_i1710_1_] 2 dload_2 [p_i1710_2_] 3 dload 4 [p_i1710_4_] 5 dload 6 [p_i1710_6_] 7 invokespecial net.minecraft.entity.item.ItemEntity(net.minecraft.world.World, double, double, double) [93] 10 aload_0 [this] 11 aload 8 [p_i1710_8_] 13 invokevirtual net.minecraft.entity.item.ItemEntity.setItem(net.minecraft.item.ItemStack) : void [97] 16 aload_0 [this] 17 aload 8 [p_i1710_8_] 19 invokevirtual net.minecraft.item.ItemStack.getItem() : net.minecraft.item.Item [103] 22 ifnonnull 31 25 sipush 6000 28 goto 37 31 aload 8 [p_i1710_8_] 33 aload_1 [p_i1710_1_] 34 invokevirtual net.minecraft.item.ItemStack.getEntityLifespan(net.minecraft.world.World) : int [109] 37 putfield net.minecraft.entity.item.ItemEntity.lifespan : int [32] 40 return Line numbers: [pc: 0, line: 59] [pc: 10, line: 60] [pc: 16, line: 61] [pc: 40, line: 62] Local variable table: [pc: 0, pc: 41] local: this index: 0 type: net.minecraft.entity.item.ItemEntity [pc: 0, pc: 41] local: p_i1710_1_ index: 1 type: net.minecraft.world.World [pc: 0, pc: 41] local: p_i1710_2_ index: 2 type: double [pc: 0, pc: 41] local: p_i1710_4_ index: 4 type: double [pc: 0, pc: 41] local: p_i1710_6_ index: 6 type: double [pc: 0, pc: 41] local: p_i1710_8_ index: 8 type: net.minecraft.item.ItemStack Stack map table: number of frames 2 [pc: 31, full, stack: {net.minecraft.entity.item.ItemEntity}, locals: {net.minecraft.entity.item.ItemEntity, net.minecraft.world.World, double, double, double, net.minecraft.item.ItemStack}] [pc: 37, full, stack: {net.minecraft.entity.item.ItemEntity, int}, locals: {net.minecraft.entity.item.ItemEntity, net.minecraft.world.World, double, double, double, net.minecraft.item.ItemStack}] // Method descriptor #117 ()Z // Stack: 1, Locals: 1 protected boolean canTriggerWalking(); 0 iconst_0 1 ireturn Line numbers: [pc: 0, line: 65] Local variable table: [pc: 0, pc: 2] local: this index: 0 type: net.minecraft.entity.item.ItemEntity // Method descriptor #119 ()V // Stack: 3, Locals: 1 protected void registerData(); 0 aload_0 [this] 1 invokevirtual net.minecraft.entity.item.ItemEntity.getDataManager() : net.minecraft.network.datasync.EntityDataManager [123] 4 getstatic net.minecraft.entity.item.ItemEntity.ITEM : net.minecraft.network.datasync.DataParameter [125] 7 getstatic net.minecraft.item.ItemStack.EMPTY : net.minecraft.item.ItemStack [128] 10 invokevirtual net.minecraft.network.datasync.EntityDataManager.register(net.minecraft.network.datasync.DataParameter, java.lang.Object) : void [134] 13 return Line numbers: [pc: 0, line: 69] [pc: 13, line: 70] Local variable table: [pc: 0, pc: 14] local: this index: 0 type: net.minecraft.entity.item.ItemEntity // Method descriptor #119 ()V // Stack: 8, Locals: 6 public void tick(); 0 aload_0 [this] 1 invokevirtual net.minecraft.entity.item.ItemEntity.getItem() : net.minecraft.item.ItemStack [138] 4 aload_0 [this] 5 invokevirtual net.minecraft.item.ItemStack.onEntityItemUpdate(net.minecraft.entity.item.ItemEntity) : boolean [142] 8 ifeq 12 11 return 12 aload_0 [this] 13 invokevirtual net.minecraft.entity.item.ItemEntity.getItem() : net.minecraft.item.ItemStack [138] 16 invokevirtual net.minecraft.item.ItemStack.isEmpty() : boolean [145] 19 ifeq 29 22 aload_0 [this] On the right side, I have an Outline Window where I can see method and variable names, but thoses aren't what I'm searching for. Well, now to my question, is there a way to open the jsons in Referenced Libs. and is there a way to get the decompiled code of the class files? I tried to copy and paste the files, what didint work, that way I can't put the class files into a decompiler. I opened the path where the files are then, and put the class files into a decompiler, but I only got "field_number_letter"s and "function_number_letters"s as code. I've heard something about a MCP(Minecraft Coder Pack). I'm not sure if I need this to solve my problems and if yes, how to use/install MCP.
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