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Everything posted by Forzafreak009

  1. I have all the vsync and sliders turned off and i have my amd Radeon settings configured to vertical refresh always off, Ive been having this problem on the normal minecraft until i added the jar file javaw into my radeon settings which then allows my graphics card to run on minecraft which helped me get over 2 fps on normal 1.12.2 minecraft but now when i load the forge version it is stuck at 2 fps im not really sure why? but if you cant help me i understand
  2. Does this screenshot help anything about any codes or anything going wrong?
  3. i have an rx 580 overclocked graphics card for my cpu I have and amd ryzen 5 1400 16gb ram
  4. I am loading 1.12.2 forge up with no mods then I am loading it up again with just one mod which is buildcraft and I get 2 fps when I launch the game, but when I launch normal Minecraft i get around 200 fps
  5. No, what I mean is when I am using forge with no mods in it runs fine but when I add any mod into the program i get 2 fps on any save or server
  6. In minecraft version 1.4.4 I get 200fps+ whenever i load just forge up with no mods in the folder it runs at 200fps+ but as a soon as i put any mod into the game i get 1fps how can i fix this? Also my forge is in 1.12.2
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