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Tree Puncher

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  1. My code worked on older versions of Minecraft/Minecraftforge.. The explosion happens on the server side, and correctly propagates to clients when I am within a certain range. But in older versions of minecraft/minecraftforge I could go extremely far away and it would still work
  2. Hey guys, I'm having an issue where I call world.createExplosion on the server side, but the explosion doesn't propagate to clients.. I even wrote my own networking to notify clients and have the function be called.. Of course I forgot that it uses RNG so the explosion comes out different then on the server. Shouldn't the networking already be done for us though? Edit: My problem is only occurring when I am a certain distance away from the explosion. I wonder if explosions aren't sent to clients if they were a certain distance away?
  3. Hey guys! Here is the main thread that I maintain for EntangleCraft -> http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1639312-forge-mc-146147-entanglecraft-v10b/#entry20230006 The mod adds a bunch of cool stuff, such as - Fun Machines - Teleportation - A cableless and omnipotent power system (because science!) - Machines and items with 4 different channels - TP scrolls, Mysterious shards with abilities - Super powerful automatic miner - Power will soon be UE/IC2/BC compatible - Heaps of upcoming features! Check it out
  4. Sorry for slight necro. I'm doing some sounds using packets because I wasn't aware of what rich1051414 is saying. Does that apply for simple world.playsound(...) calls, rich105? I had tried that originally with no luck, so I did the packet sending myself.
  5. Ok here is a basic overview of whats going on http://pastebin.com/BKDwRsiU If I didn't include anything important let me know.
  6. Is support/bug reports really the place? I always thought this was for installation issues and stuff. Anyhow, my server packet handler sends packets to all clients like this MinecraftServer server = ModLoader.getMinecraftServerInstance(); server.getConfigurationManager().sendPacketToAllPlayers(packet); Feel like I'm gonna get raged at for using something from ModLoader, especially since I use it again for sending from client to server: ModLoader.sendPacket(packet); Just to clarify, the title of this thread isn't my problem; I just want to know how to set up packets correctly. This was Kinniken's thread title, sorry about the hi-jack.
  7. Sorry to be a little off topic, but I was wondering about how to correctly set up my packet handling. Is it ok to just have: ,given that both of those packetHandler classes implement IPacketHandler? I assume something else needs to be done as my packets aren't sending
  8. I see, thats interesting. I have to admit that I haven't used the things much They always just seemed a bit contrived.
  9. Sure. I like the concept, I just don't like the stupid way it assumes you want to carry on through the other cases. Like seriously, does anybody ever use them without breaks inbetween cases? I think they would just be way more elegant without that little annoyance. Call me OCD. edit; but since you have it nicely copy/pasted like that I'll probably use it anyway!
  10. Switches? those things are rank..
  11. Seems a lot has changed, I feel we should all be posting in the same place about our findings. At the moment I need to figure out guis and saveEventHandlers equivalent stuff... Anyway lets all post stuff we discover in this thread.
  12. Are we even supposed to use IGuiHandlers anymore? I can't find one anywhere. Times be changing!
  13. Haha, thats cool. Thanks again!
  14. Man Lex is the bro. This is gonna be awesome.
  15. I'm actually even lazier than that. I made it so the client doesn't do ANYTHING at all except display correct GUI information. That should also reduce all client lag issues. With 1.3 coming up, I'm planning to make the client side do nothing at all except be a "display" while server sides does all the work. Hopefully this will reduce lag. Thanks for this post, exactly what I needed to know. If you can be bothered Calclavia, you could make a wiki explanation? I'd like to compare my way of doing it to make sure its suitable. Otherwise, cheers for the help
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