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Everything posted by ockerspock

  1. I have news. I did a new MC instance, new world and same seed, I added back the essential mods ....so instead of 108 I am all the way down to 94, I did this a few at a time and checked the nether was working as I went. I then copied the nether and end from the level.dat and level.dat_old of that world over to a copy of those files from the broken map. But I also removed 3 folders that were left by mods that I had removed ....1 of them may have been the problem. I think it might have been Woot but could have been Tesseract or, unlikely, Minecolonies. However it appears I have the world back. Thanks very much.
  2. I decided on a new strategy. I am going to try adding mods to the working new world installation. Starting with all the core mods, seeing if the nether is still working and then adding mods that should not have any interaction with DIMs and then add a few at a time, trying to discover what caused it rather than just getting it working. I will take me a while but worth a try.
  3. So an update. I created a new world, went to the nether, returned and then saved and closed. I copied both the nether and the end from that working worlds level.dat and level.dat_old into my broken worlds level.dat and level.dat_old but still no luck. I am happy to give the "via a mod" option a go. Let me know what mod please.
  4. Thank you Lex. I have started making preparations to begin again ...with Dire's BG to transfer some builds over. But I will have a go at inserting the missing DIMs. I downloaded NBTExplorer 2.8.0 ...looks "simple" now I know where the problem lies. I will reply with how I got on, in the next day or so. Thanks again, you are a hero and a legend. PS If you find a small gift it is not payment for working on this problem ...it is simply a little bit to acknowledge what you do for all Modded Minecrafters
  5. Sorry Lex that was really dumb of me not zipping.... or seeing that I am supposed to be able to upload files here, i can do image files but obviously too dumb to work out how to publish what you are looking for. Tried 5 or 6 times, redid zip file a few times in that. But the mediafire sit should not require payment, or registration, it does attempt to get you to go pro but pro usually means there is a amateur option. So I will link it here ....yes I zipped this time. http://www.mediafire.com/file/92kl08t6x3g53mf/World.zip/file
  6. I installed Minecraft with Forge 34.1.0 on a new computer, added no mods and copied my saved world into the saves folder. It loaded, with the modded items removed, but the nether portal did not take me to the Nether... or anywhere. I am resolved to believe all is lost. Guess I can only start a new world and hope it does not happen again.
  7. This is the link to the World save http://www.mediafire.com/folder/b13b14blssp6c/-4499410948081570036 Hope it is what you are looking for. I am going to install Minecraft on another computer and see if transferring to a fresh install has any effect. I guess my main concern now is if I start a fresh game (the portals seemed OK on a new world creation) without finding out what caused the problem how can i be sure it won't happen again. Thanks for taking an interest.
  8. Thanks Lex, Do you mean the World from the 'saves' folder? If so I will post a link in a few hours, got to remember the pastbin type site I last used for that sort of thing....unless you have a preference
  9. It is a little frustrating, must be a cause ....but it is just too hard. I have not used structure blocks, I can have a look but I am going to try to get another launcher and see if I can get it to work. Failing that I will use Building Gadget to copy the builds to a working version.
  10. "On the original map I Deleted ALL mods (leaving their folders and other data) and the portal did not work" nether portal. This time I deleted options, mod folders and anything that seemed to be modded. What difference was expected with the End portal ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ but in any case, same result as before .... just land on the floor of the End portal room after falling through the End portal. Just for the fun of it I built a Nether portal in the End portal room and was not able to get to the Nether
  11. "On the original map I Deleted ALL mods (leaving their folders and other data) and the portal did not work" "I have created a new world* with the same mods and the Nether portal works, also the Execute in command shows the_nether" I have not tried the End with all the mods removed, "I also tried copying the Level.dat, Level.dat_old and the Region folder to the new world* mentioned earlier and the nether portal was not working", and I tried copying in the working Nether DIM -1 from the new world* created with the mods installed into the restored original world where the portal to the Nether was not working, and could not access the Nether
  12. I am guessing you edited after reading in the "what I did" post the following.... "On the original map I Deleted ALL mods (leaving their folders and other data) and the portal did not work After restoring I deleted Woot and it's folder but still not working." edit Yes, I tried the delete the nether method and the import a working nether method. But in any case that would not explain the End not working, it was only attempted in 1.16.3 with the only DIM creating mod (that I am aware of) removed
  13. Sorry, I thought these bits made it as clear as needed "at some point My nether portal stopped loading the Nether" "To be clear - The Nether portal just continues waving but not loading in the nether, The End portal just allows falling through (I removed the lava)" What I mean is ....I should be able to travel to the Nether and the End, it is a normal part of Minecraft but I can not get to either the Nether DIM or the End DIM, either by their respective portals or by the execute command. I have no idea how else to explain what I mean than by describing what is (not) happening. The issue is not just the portals not working ....so I chose to use the term "DIM's" to mean the 2 vanilla dimensions that are not the overworld and "not working" to convey the fact that I could not get them to load. The extra content containing what I did also contained information about what I meant by not working and that I had tried a number of things to find a cause.
  14. I am using Forge version 34.1.0 on Minecraft 1.16.3. I started on 1.16.2 and have upgraded, at some point My nether portal stopped loading the Nether. I also recently located the End Portal and it is not loading the End. The mod List is here (edit Removed link) I tried deleting DIM -1 (before I discovered The End) and that did nothing I updated all the mods that I could, there are 19 that are not 1.16.3 and some others that say they are but still are named 1.16.2 I tried the "Execute in" command and The Overworld and a Woot Tartarus Dim were all that were available. I have created a new world* with the same mods and the Nether portal works, also the Execute in command shows the_nether On the original map I Deleted ALL mods (leaving their folders and other data) and the portal did not work After restoring I deleted Woot and it's folder but still not working. To be clear - The Nether portal just continues waving but not loading in the nether, The End portal just allows falling through (I removed the lava) I also tried copying the Level.dat, Level.dat_old and the Region folder to the new world* mentioned earlier and the nether portal was not working I am on the verge of abandoning this world and starting anew, I can not think of anything else to try, but would be interested to know why it is not working and if it can be saved. Hope you are able to help but understand if you can not. Thanks either way
  15. I hope I am seeking help in the right place. I have tried to make a very small 1.14 pack using Twitch. I started by creating a custom pack with forge 28-0-19 as it was listed on top and then added a few mods. When I started a new game everything was playing fine but there was no sound, no music, no ambient, no block and no mob sound ....nothing. A message showed a newer forge was available and so I started a new custom pack with forge 28-0-21 and to ensure it was not cause by a mod - NO mods. I have also run a previously played pack and the sound was fine, so not my speakers turned off, not my volume settings. Is this something that has been seen before? Have I done something wrong, somehow? While I have added mods to existing packs I have not made a modpack since de-compiling jar was a pup so I am out of ideas. Any help, or direction would be appreciated Edit - I got my game working with sound, not using Twitch but using the Java launcher, I would still be interested to know why it all worked fine in the Twitch app but had no sound.
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