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Everything posted by Shacomaniac

  1. Yup, problem is solved, thanks!
  2. Hello all, For reference, I used this video as a guide. I originally had a functional mod file that I could run by executing a RunClient.bat file. However, I created a new folder and set up the forge files within in and copied+pasted the src from the old folder into the new one. This is my path for my HighlightMod folder: C:\Users\---\Desktop\HighlightMod. In this folder I have two folders: .metadata and HighlightMod. Within the second HighlightMod folder I have all of my necessary source files and forge files (.gradle, .settings, src, etc.). When I launch Eclipse, I set my workspace as C:\Users\Sid\Desktop\HighlightMod. However, when Eclipse opens, in the Project Manager section, it says "There are no projects in your workspace". How can I access my files and edit them via Eclipse?
  3. Got it, thanks.
  4. Of forge? The latest (1.14.4)
  5. public class ItemCustomAxe extends ItemAxe{ } Yields an error: it cannot be resolved to a type. It recommends that I change it to Item, however I would like the class to have the properties of an axe. Using import net.minecraft.item.ItemAxe; also yields an error, it cannot be resolved. How can I solve this?
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