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Everything posted by brudigem

  1. Ok, never mind . But I have an other problem too. I have the block sand, in the Method updateTick, it tries to fall. But now i want to make my own Method and it should be called at pressind a specific key ( i already done the key registry stuff) but the problem is where do I get my parameters from ( World par1World, int par2, int par3, int par4, Random par5Random) cant find then
  2. Hi, My problem is when I put an If or a && in the Method updateTick it gives me an Error, why?
  3. And, if i put somthing in my KeyUp/Down event, nothing happens , why ?
  4. ok, thans it works, but now I dont know where the "signal" goes when i press KEY_***, do I have to creat a new class maybe ?
  5. Hi everyone; My Keybinding doesent works. This is in the MainMod in the init section KeyBinding[] key = {new KeyBinding("Up", Keyboard.KEY_G), new KeyBinding("Down", Keyboard.KEY_H)}; boolean[] repeat = {false}; KeyBindingRegistry.registerKeyBinding(new MoveblockKeyHandler(key, repeat)); And the probelm is, it says : KEY_G cannot be resolved or is not a field, same with KEY_H and this is in my class named MoveblockKeyHandler package brudigem.minecraft.mypackage; import java.util.EnumSet; import net.minecraft.client.settings.KeyBinding; import net.minecraft.world.World; import cpw.mods.fml.client.FMLClientHandler; import cpw.mods.fml.client.registry.KeyBindingRegistry.KeyHandler; import cpw.mods.fml.common.TickType; public class MoveblockKeyHandler extends KeyHandler { private EnumSet tickTypes = EnumSet.of(TickType.CLIENT); public MoveblockKeyHandler(KeyBinding[] keyBindings, boolean[] repeatings) { super(keyBindings, repeatings); } @Override public String getLabel() { return "KeyHandler"; } @Override public void keyDown(EnumSet<TickType> types, KeyBinding kb, boolean tickEnd, boolean isRepeat) { } @Override public void keyUp(EnumSet<TickType> types, KeyBinding kb, boolean tickEnd) { } @Override public EnumSet<TickType> ticks() { return tickTypes; } }
  6. can anyone help me ?
  7. First thanks for the fast answer, I found the net.minecraft.tileentity thats what you mean, but 2 things: 1.I want to make a Block i can control with an item, is that the best way to do ? 2.Ok i found it but i really dont know how to mod it with Forge ! (Im still newbie^^) And the sand do I have to look in the BlockSand.java, and can i just copy it and change the direction? EDIT: I found a class named EntityFallingSand, I thing i have to do a custom EntityMovingMYBLOCK and the change the variables. And whats the better method ? EDIT: I made a copy of EntityFallingSand,BlockSand with my own blocks now I have 2 problems, 1.When my block falls , it dissapears first and appears at the final position, but there is no fall animation, why? Did i forgot a class? 2.Witch value do i have to change in the EntityFallingSand so it falls in a different direction? 1 more EDIT : I noticed while my block "falls" it is sometimes black, how can I avoid that?
  8. Hello everyone. Im a new modder and i have some Problems 1.I just watched all the basic tutorials , I know how to make really basic stuff. But now im trying to creat some new content but I really dont know how, I'm not finding any tutorial. Does anybody know a good method to learn? 2.Im just trying to make myself a little mod, and i want to move a block (manually) , I looked in the original minecraft source (tried to learn somthing with pistions ... without succsess) but i did not found anything. So, can anyone help me ? Would be really nice And sorry for my bad English!
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