Hi, this is my first time posting here so sorry if anything is wrong. I think I may have found a bug of some sort to do with redstone.
I'm running the latest version of Minecraft (1.14.4) and Forge (28.0.29)
I followed ilmangos Furnace Array tutorial (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NTkdxZRVbzI) and some Furnances didn't turn on, some had multiple items in places where they should have got one, some furnances didnt get any items at all.
I thought I made it wrong, so I downloaded his Test World from his Youtube Description and imported his Test World, this also didn't work.
I then put his Test World into a Vanilla Minecraft 1.14.4 installation and it all worked fine (I didn't change anything in his World download of course).
I assumed this means it's something to do with Forge, so I thought I'd post it up
Cheers, Mike.