(note : i will be talking about a java server problem for the java version of minecraft)
hi there . id like to play on a 1.12.2 modded server that ive made and i have a troubblesome time to get past an issue where one of my mod have a "conflict" with its running parameters where it says this T"o prevent this crash, add "-Dcofh.rf.crashOnOldAPI=false" to your command line arguments." . ive tried to put it after my command line in my bat file wich is this "java -Xmx4096M -Xms4096M -jar forge.jar" like this (java -Xmx4096M -Xms4096M -jar forge.jar "-Dcofh.rf.crashOnOldAPI=false") minus the ( and ) wich are for ease of reading purposes in here , and ive also tried without the double " on the added command line argument and my server still says that i need to add them , also ive tried adding them to launch arguments on a shortcut of my bat file in the target box like this "C:\Users\%fakename%\Desktop\Minecraft Server 1.12.2 ashab\Start.bat" java -Xmx4096M -Xms4096M -jar forge.jar "-Dcofh.rf.crashOnOldAPI=false" but it still doesnt work . may please someone explain me what im doing wrong ?
id very much like any help . if you have an idea to help me out go for it
ty in advance for taking the time to read this ♥