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Everything posted by Samaritans

  1. it comes in right after Forge initialized [23:44:06] [Client thread/INFO] [FML]: MinecraftForge v14.23.5.2838 Initialized [23:44:06] [Client thread/INFO] [FML]: Starts to replace vanilla recipe ingredients with ore ingredients. [23:44:07] [Client thread/INFO] [FML]: Invalid recipe found with multiple oredict ingredients in the same ingredient... [23:44:07] [Client thread/INFO] [FML]: Replaced 1227 ore ingredients
  2. I'm getting an error Invalid recipe found with multiple oredict ingredients in the same ingredient... here's the json that i'm pretty sure is the cause since this recipe doesnt work in-game: I've also tried using minecraft:crafting_shaped, also tried to replace the "L" key with an oredict of "leather" instead didn't work at all.
  3. Got it, thanks!
  4. I read under the LivingDeathEvent documentation that * This event is {@link Cancelable}.<br> * If this event is canceled, the Entity does not die.<br> But when i do: event.setCanceled(true); Debugging shows that event is canceled but my player still dies. Code here: @SubscribeEvent public void deathProtection (LivingDeathEvent event) { if (event.getEntityLiving() instanceof EntityPlayer) { EntityPlayer player = (EntityPlayer) event.getEntityLiving(); if (BewitchmentAPI.hasPoppet(player, ModObjects.poppet_deathprotection)) { event.setCanceled(true); } } }
  5. Is there a way to check if an Item has NBTTags in the recipe. For example if i have an item that gains an NBTTag after certain actions, how can i check if the Item has the NBTTag in my recipe json. I don't want it to have a specific NBTTag value but just have a tag.
  6. Hey, Just wondering if it's possible to use somehow use .nbt templates to generate inside addComponentParts within the VillagePieces. I'm trying to add my custom houses to a village and hard-coding in the blocks one by one seems inefficient. Thanks!
  7. what would the string for nearestStructure name i pass in then?
  8. Hey, I have a few custom structures that spawn throughout the world. Is there a way to check if a hostile mob is being attempted to spawn inside/near my structure, spawn another mob from my mod instead? I'm just not sure how would I check for if the the spawn attempt in near my structure or not. Thanks!
  9. Don't have any code right now, but working on implementing a world generator of sorts. I want to replace vanilla vines at swamps with my custom vines, would that be possible with an event? If not, any ideas of how to achieve this? Thanks!
  10. Hello! I'm working on making a custom villager that sells stuff from my mod. I'm giving him trades by using VillagerCareer#addTrade(int level, ITradeList tradelist) However, this basically says when you trade a level 1 thing, you unlock everything in level2, and so on. Is there a way of getting him to only have some trades per level? For example, villager lvl1 can buy wool for 1 emerald, buy string for 1 emerald, buy flesh for 1 emerald, then level 2 can buy gold for 1 emerald, can buy fish for 1 emerald. Currently, my villager would automatically have every level 1 trade, then if u trade once, it unlocks everytrade for level2, Instead I want to see it have something like buy wool for 1 emerald, buy string for 1 emerald, then unlocks buy gold for 1 emerald only, and then go on to unlock level3 trades, etc. Thanks!
  11. Hey all, I'm trying to add a custom villager house with my custom villager into vanilla villages. I've already got the villager and his trades done, but I need a structure for him too. I've made a StructureVillagePieces.Village class but now i have to build the building in addComponents. Is there a better way than repeatedly doing fillwithblocks, setblockstate, etc...
  12. Im pretty new to modding and I'm still so confused. I guess i need to addListener and detectAndSendChanges? But the container doesnt have an inventory, so there's no changes? I just need a way to have a player opengui on client side while on a dedicated server so that these info are depicted. The player would be holding an item with NBTTag that has a UUID on it. I read that NBT and get the UUID out and find an EntityPlayer with that UUID.
  13. Yeah that's what I am asking about, I have no idea how to do that.
  14. Mainly I need to get the player.getRNG to display a random number of info. The info are specific stuff in my mod that checks for stuff like if the player is a witch, if the player has pets, etc. Here's the container: public ContainerTarotTable(UUID id) { player = Util.findPlayer(id); if (player != null) { List<Tarot> valid = GameRegistry.findRegistry(Tarot.class).getValuesCollection().stream().filter(f -> f.isCounted(player)).collect(Collectors.toList()); if (!valid.isEmpty()) { while (!valid.isEmpty() && toRead.size() < 4) { int i = player.getRNG().nextInt(valid.size()); toRead.add(valid.get(i)); valid.remove(i); } } } }
  15. Hey all, First time posting. I have a GUI with a container so when i call player.openGui, it tries to go to my GuiHandler and call getClientGuiElement. However, part of my container requires me to get an EntityPlayer with a UUID, and display some specific info about the player. When my findPlayer function ran on the client side while on a dedicated server, the player just returns null and my gui just displays empty. Is there any way to fix that? Here's how I am finding player right now: public static EntityPlayer findPlayer(UUID uuid) { for (WorldServer ws : DimensionManager.getWorlds()) { EntityPlayer player = ws.getPlayerEntityByUUID(uuid); if (player != null) return player; } return null; }
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