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  1. So I have a 1.16.5 modded instance on MultiMC. It worked perfectly fine, and it had loaded minutes prior. I had to do a restart for a non-Minecraft issue. Before I loaded it back up, I noticed there was a new Forge version. I was on 36.1.24. Using MultiMC, I updated to version 36.1.32. When I loaded the game, Forge loaded none of my installed mods, and just launched the vanilla game. I went back to version 36.1.24, but the issue persisted. I'm now unable to play on my modded instance. What's going on here? Edit: Removing and reinstalling Forge seems to have done the trick. Something must've gone wrong when MultiMC installed the Forge update. latest.log
  2. From what I can tell, it seems to be a lighting error with Dynamic Trees BOP. This occurs regardless of whether Optifine is installed, or whether Better Foliage is installed. In addition, it only occurs in Coniferous Forest biomes. The lighting error also seems to happen in a specific location. Turning down my render distance before loading in prevents the crash, but if I move in a certain direction, it crashes again. Not entirely sure what to make of this. Adjusting my lighting settings doesn't seem to do anything. It may just be an issue with the mod. I let the author know.
  3. Here's that log. https://paste.gg/p/anonymous/2c089c9f9c2f4d6a9a51a6b1118b7922 (I had to take out a fairly large portion of it since the file size was over 20MB, if there's anything missing that you need, let me know and I'll try to find a way to send the full file)
  4. Yeah, in hindsight, I probably should have included that originally. Here's the log: https://paste.dimdev.org/ivemuwuzep.mccrash
  5. So I've been having this for a while now. It's been occurring at random, and I tried to ignore it, but it's locked me out of my world a couple times by instantly crashing when the save finishes loading, forcing me to load backups. After some mod disabling, it seems that the issue is with Dynamic Trees. I haven't been able to work out the conflict though. I thought it might be something with optifine, but removing it doesn't seem to do anything. I've been working at it for a while, and decided I could use some help. I'll post my mod list, and if anyone can help spot what the conflict might be, I'd really appreciate it. https://paste.dimdev.org/yeyuzesoge.mccrash (Let me know if I need to change the link for any reason)
  6. That's what I figured. Ah well, I can live with it. Thanks for the explanation.
  7. So I've been having an issue recently with the way my world has been generating unexplored areas of the map. The borders of biomes with different average y-values don't seem to be smoothing, and instead produce flat sections of cliffs along the borders. This hasn't always happened, and I've been occasionally adding mods as I go, so it seems like this is some kind of conflict between mods affecting world-gen. This isn't something that happens with every biome, and it seems almost random where it happens. While this can look pretty cool, it does also just look buggy. I've already explored most of the area around my base, so most of this is happening a ways away from it. I'm mostly just asking about this out curiosity, since it isn't the biggest problem. Any suggestions?
  8. Alright, seems like it was Thaumic Tinkerer that was causing the issue. Didn't show up on Twitch, which is why I missed it. Seems to be working well now. Thanks for the help.
  9. Took out the extra versions, but I still seem to be getting the issue. Still, that's definitely a start. I imagine they were part of the problem.
  10. Hey, so I'm trying to run a custom profile for 1.12.2 (Forge version, but I've been having issues with it. The game crashes soon after hitting play. I've gone through all of the mods in my modlist and made sure I have the 1.12.2 versions downloaded. I have had an issue where Twitch has been arbitrarily listing the game version of some of the mods as being for older versions, but I've checked and rechecked, and they are for the right version, so I'm assuming Twitch is just wrong. I downloaded them for the correct version, and the file names reflect that. I might just be misunderstanding what Twitch is saying with the game version, but I thought I should mention it. I'll add a couple screenshots showing what I mean. Anyways, here's the error code I get hit with: https://pastebin.com/ZWn61Bsf If I'm not actually allowed to post links, let me know and I'll edit the post to give the log however I should. Any help would be appreciated. Here's the Twitch screenshots:
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