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Everything posted by deathkazu

  1. Yes, you're correct i changed the pink_sword.json for handheld I feel stupid, the whole problem was the comments in the .json files Thank you, now is working.
  2. pink_sword.json what is incorrect? Also, i have changed the item/pinkguy_block.json as you said but keeps with the same problem. I attach the console log log.txt
  3. Hi, i recently have updated my code adding two new items: "pinkguy_block" and "pink_sword" and they doesn't show any texture when i open minecraft, But the most strange is that other items like "tula" or "taurine" are showing properly. I manage to make some changes but unfortunately is not working. Here is the link to my code: https://github.com/deathkazu/ExampleMod
  4. Now, I used this code and all now is working as expected, just only i have changed the TextComponentTranslation for TextComponentString because after investigating I understood that the Translation component it was for other types of purposes. so thank you guys, also to @Differentiation, now i managed how sendMessage method works.
  5. Hi, i'm new at this universe of modding with Forge. Recently while i'm working on my mod, i tried to implement a way to send a message from player when him breaks a block, and i was done by using the TextComponentString method, but now i'm trying to implement the same but adding color to the message. I'm tried using Text Formatting, but i don't know if my code wasn't properly written or if this method is not compatible with TextComponentString. public class ChatMessageSend { @SubscribeEvent public void sendMessage(BreakEvent event) { event.getPlayer().sendMessage(new TextComponentString("text").getStyle().setColor(TextFormatting.RED)); } } Any solution is appreciated.
  6. Yes you're right. I checked my dns adapter and i have found the issue, now i have properly internet connection the installer started to downloaded the libraries. Thank you.
  7. Hi, i've trying to install forge for minecraft 1.14.4 but says the error mentioned on the title of this thread. I have downloaded the forge latest version (28.0.55), Java is updated with firewall allowed and i'm connected to internet. Also, i tried opening the cmd console and use the command "java -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true -jar forge-1.14.4-28.0.55-installer.jar" but still not working. I attached the screenshot of the error given and also the installer log. Please someone help, it's kind of frustrating me. installer.log
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