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Everything posted by vat21s

  1. Wow. I just figured that out before you posted. Well it seems to work, though it threw 4 errors and 6 warnings is that ment to happen? If not. Im working on a log. Edit: Doesn't seem like anything.
  2. I tried in MB's Same issue.
  3. Well the -Xmx1G flag isn't working. mcp.config Log
  4. Is that scalac not found error important?
  5. Ahh. That log sorry.
  6. There is none. It didn't throw an error. Just those packages are missing.I just read that it got renamed. But I can't seem to find net.minecraftforge.*; at all.
  7. Well, There doesn't seem to be, [*]cpw.mods.fml.client [*]cpw.mods.fml.common [*]cpw.mods.fml.server The only one there is cpw.mods.fml.relaunch. Im running on a mac, Using Build 2013-06-08 19:47:46 for MC: 1.5.2 Sorry if this is something obvious...
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