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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. Awesome! Fixed in 28.0.91 Thanks
  2. I did some more testing and it's not NBT that's the issue, it's stack size! The scoreboard objective is only incremented if the selected items stack size is greater than 1. To reproduce run these commands: /scoreboard objectives add used_chest minecraft.used:minecraft.chest /scoreboard objectives setdisplay sidebar used_chest Add a single chest to a hotbar slot and place it - the objective isn't incremented. Add 2 or more chests to a hotbar slot and place them - all but the last item will increment the objective. This is true even in creative where items aren't used. It seems to happen for stackable items that can be placed. From my testing it happens with: chest, barrel, oak_planks, oak_sapling, sheep_spawn_egg (weird) But not with: acacia_boat, ender_pearl, flint_and_steel
  3. Have I posted this in the right place? Could someone give me some feedback?
  4. I'm the author of a datapack that uses vanilla scoreboard objectives to track the placement of chests and barrels, such as: scoreboard objectives add placed_chest minecraft.used:minecraft.chest "Player placed chest" This objective updates for default chests/barrels, but if the item has any NBT set the objective doesn't update. This is different from vanilla and completely breaks my datapack when on Forge (tested in 1.14.3 and 1.14.4) I so hope this is a bug that will be fixed and not an intentional patch!
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