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Everything posted by Premiere

  1. Hello, I am trying to make a keystrokes type mod and I have all of the text drawn to the screen. But my issue is how am I going to move it in game? What I mean by that is i can move the keystrokes to different places on the screen. Thanks in advanced!
  2. Ok, thank you so much for the help!
  3. I'm fine with using this, and what I am trying to do is working, but are there any other ways to do this? A friend of mine is using Mod Coder Pack and messing around and has been bugging me about how to do basically the same thing because he saw what I did, if you don't know how, it is ok, I was just wondering if you knew. Thanks!
  4. Hello, I want to draw something to the screen for a couple seconds, like for example, when I join a server, for a 5 seconds it will draw to the screen "Hi new player!". I know how to draw text to the screen, but the part where it will only draw for a few seconds. I get that it says that this is NOT a Java school but I really don't know any other forums I should go to besides SpigotMC.
  5. I want to make a GuiSlider and be able to get the contents of it, how can I achieve this?
  6. I haven't done really anything in terms of creating Guis in Minecraft/Forge so that is why I don't really know, because when I make something in Forge it is basically the same topic so my learning doesn't really go anywhere but today I thought I would give making a Gui a shot.
  7. How do I do that? Like for example, will I do like "public void GuiTextField#getText" (Just to come up with one, but it obviously won't be void)? To be honest I am not that good with Java but I know some things I guess.
  8. I have made a textbox/textfield or whatever you want to call it but I want to be able to get the characters that were typed there, how can I do this?
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