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Posts posted by denstar

  1. Thanks!  Let me give a little more detail:

    I'm thinking managing the whole shebang, versus just local profiles.  I only play by myself when I'm testing out the server, otherwise it's with other people, and there doesn't seem to be a way to share profiles (including mods and configs).

    We could like, zip up the whole MC directory, and share that, but that's a pretty terrible way.  The best I've found by far is MultiMC, but I wondered if Forge being Forge, there might be something about managing mods as well.  (I thought MultiMC was something new for instance, but it's actually been around for ages, so I'm not going to assume there isn't something else I somehow missed while searching for solutions on my lonesome.)

    I whipped up a Gradle script a while back that works with the mods as normal java dependencies, and then just generates a MultiMC instance zip from whatever mods are specified (which lets me make mod-based decisions basically, instead of MC version-based, then mod-based, decisions— dependency management FTW!), and I've been digging on that, as using MultiMC to import a zipped setup is simple, and I don't have to run a noob through the various hoops otherwise required.

    I'm thinking I can't be the only one who likes to do what I do, and here would be a good place to check.  Twitch is out, as is any other web-type thing, as I run the servers locally (mostly the other people are family) and want control, and debug abilities, etc..

    Is MultiMC the only thing like MultiMC, I guess is what I'm asking. ?

    I might just tweak the script to modify the profiles directly, and cut out all the middle-m^Hpeople... come to think of it I have code that would generate an app from the gradle script that would be close-ish to what MMC does, if an uglier UI...  but I love the idea of a standard, and MMC seems to be it, so probably just stick with it.

    Anyhow, thanks for the suggestion!

  2. LOL, when I said it looked the same as the other post, I meant literally.

    The launcher version is there in the log, and it's the same problem— I was using an old java launcher jar versus installing the new native-ish launcher.  I prefer the jar as long as it works, which it does, except for this.  Looks like the old launcher is unsupported by Forge so never mind, basically. ?

    If you want to avoid more rando people asking this question, you can modify build.gradle to not put the URL element in there, versus the blank key, which seems to work with both the old and new launchers.  Guess it's just a matter of time until the old launcher doesn't work for MC itself, but for now at least tweaking that might cut down on the noise (though more traffic == more ad revenue generated so YMMV).  Better still would be to add a check for the min supported launcher version to nip this — and potential similar future problems — in the bud.

    Thanks though, and HIH!

  3. Hello,

    What do you all use to manage multiple instances, and various mod groups, for Minecraft?

    I'm constantly trying out different MC versions for various groups of mods, which is a real PITA to do manually.

    So, managing modpacks basically— but not using the "modpack" term as there are actual modpacks, and this is just rando mods that we mix and match.


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