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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. Documentation is really convoluted and there is no usage specification, like, when and where should I call the ModelLoader. Can I do it anywhere I want? Or this require to be done during an specific event? Item documentation doesn't mention anything at all about this. Since block model was done automatically I never imagined that I should do something different for a simple ItemBlock An example would be appreciated
  2. No, the documentation doesn't say anything about that and I don't have any idea of what are you talking about.
  3. Any info on that, I tried to create one and it only shows the missing texture square, and when held is a massive missing texture block. Only when the block is placed the actual texture is shown. All I have done is instantiating a Block with it's own name and id. And the same with ItemBlock. Got the BlockState and Model using vanilla stuff as parent.
  4. I'm trying to render a custom model for the player. Googled a little bit and I found that I should cancel RenderPlayerEvent.Pre and do the rendering there. My issue is that when I render something, model renderers get rendered upside down and facing in the wrong direction. Is not like they where rotated but the translation matrices for the vertex points were inverted in 2 of their axis. I'm only cancelling the event and rendering the model. I don't know if I have to do something else.
  5. Okay, I was afraid I would have to do that. The remaining doubt now is How can I access the correct container from the packet handler?
  6. Hi, I'm trying to implement something similar to the anvil. What I'm having problems with is renaming the said object. I have a container and a container GUI. So far everything works well until I try to rename the item itself. I took a look at the vanilla Anvil and it uses the following line: How I can do something similar? Here is my code: Container GUI Container:
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