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Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. My friend has realms, and sent an invite for me to join her realm. On her end, it said that she did successfully send it. On my end, the invite never shows up. I simply get the "no invites pending" message. We are both on the most current version of the game and am not using forge for realms. Is there any reason why it wouldn't be showing up? I'm kinda new to all this so I apologize if there is something simple that I'm missing.
  2. That was probably the issue, thank you!
  3. I've tried multiple different sites. I've just searched up copious dogs 1.12.2
  4. I have multiple mods in my mod folder, all for 1.12.2. All of them work properly and show up when I actually start the game. When I add Copious Dogs into the mod folder, it doesn't even show up in game. It's a .jar file, and the game opens up just fine, all the mods are there and working except for Copious Dogs. No error message, nothing. It just doesn't even register to forge, which is really odd.
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