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Everything posted by Rensik

  1. If you would have politely reminded me about the 1.6.4 structure incompatibility I would have graciously thanked you and moved on, but you did it in such a way as to make my asking seem as if I was a complete newb to running a server. This, to me, is demeaning in nature and I am offering a polite suggestion to rethink your word choice when responding to someone with a solution to an issue said person might have. The goal of customer service is to satisfy the customer with an appropriate response so they are willing to come back with future issues. I'm sure that is one of the many goals of this forum, is it not?
  2. Ok. The problem lies in the fact no mod is addressed in the report as being the cause of the problem. The reasoning that a mod meant for 1.6.2 is trying to generate a structure in a 1.6.4 environment is a more likely cause of the issue; however without a specific indication as to what precisely is causing the problem, i.e. a rare vanilla issue or a specific mod causing the problem, one cannot assume that a mod written for 1.6.2 is actually causing the problem. Until it is proven that this is the case, any assumptions are not appropriate. I've been running a Minecraft server for a little over two years and five months, and as a modded forge server since last November. At any given point while running forge I've had more than eighty mods on my server, gone through three different Minecraft versions, have had at least half a dozen different restarts during each version, and with each restart at least a dozen different problems to resolve between mods. The fact I'm reaching out to the major modding community at all means I have hit a serious roadblock and a possible core issue is causing a problem. I don't like it when someone answers my questions with a demeaning attitude. I've worked too hard at running a server to deserve that. If I call you a 'know-it-all', you probably deserve it. Please, in the future, consider your choice of words before assisting someone with an issue. How you say them means just as much as the content they convey.
  3. You mean I "probably" have a 1.6.2 mod that adds structures. Unless you can prove it to me via the crash report, don't assume something is the way you think it is. All it does is make you look like a 'know-it-all'. 'Know-it-all's aren't necessarily well-liked in any situation. Now to see if what you say is really true. Do I have a 1.6.2 mod adding structures... and if so, how did I miss it? lol
  4. As the title says, I've got an Exception in one of my Server Tick Loops... I think it's Vanilla Villages causing the problem, but I'm not sure. The crash report gives me no clue as to what is causing the problem. I'm using forge build 957 (latest as of this posting) http://pastebin.com/sfDAQ3ny
  5. Something I've been noticing and was hoping someone would find a workaround for it is all these conflicting IDs from all these mods, even with 4096 Block IDs available there is still too many IDs being double and triple(or more) used by several different mods. The idea I have is thus: Mod IDs. A "Mod ID" is an ID given to a specific mod so that any Block or Item ID used by that mod are registered to that mod's ID value and therefore referenced through that value. Thus allowing mods to use any and all Block ID values without conflicting with other mods. I do understand that what I'm suggesting may require an extensive overhaul of how Forge is written, and therefore am not afraid of this suggestion not taken too seriously. However, as a solution to a potential future dilemma (possibly even current?), I am making this suggestion to see where everyone's thoughts on the matter lies.
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