I don't know very much since I'm still new to this, but I'll give it a shot anyway. Have you tried gradle build and gradle runClient from cmd? would that give you a different result?
In the tutorial that I followed that showed the creation of 1 item and 1 block, he used a new class for each one and so now that I have like 10 items and a few blocks I have a class for each on... I'm guessing this is not the best way to go about it...
Hey all! So I'm trying to add tools based on what I learned from a tutorial.
Other code in github repo here
SO this work for regular items
Would you say this is an acceptable way of making a pickaxe? How can I make it better/refactor it? also, if this is the right way, how would you added the repair ingredient?
Thank you, I traced it back to a misspelled registry. How would I implement LazyOptional once? would you mind showing me in a pull request?
Edit: also would anyone know how to implement smelting recipes? I've tried adding it but it doesnt have a method "addSmelting".
Hey all. I'm following this tutorial below to create a mod for my final project in school. When I'm placing my block (artisan station) the game is crashing for me. No one else seems to be having this problem. Can someone give it a look and help? here is my code on github, i think its this particular file that might have the issue but feel free to look around the repo. https://github.com/majicmaj/majcraft/blob/master/src/main/java/com/majicmaj/majcraft/blocks/ArtisianStationTile.java
Here is the code I have for it: