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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. Okay i foudn the reason why it didnt work. I realised, that it worked after the pc was laoding teh autostart programms. IU then closed them 1 after another and MSI Afterburner caused that Issue. What on earth.
  2. No Its a problem with my pc and not forge itself, but its forge i want to install so. And the .jar is definitely working someone else tried it. I send it to him with Discord.
  3. I provided it. Its the same as what is written in the cmd screen, but when you want. forge-1.14.3-27.0.60-installer.jar.log I now started that installer with admin right. (didn't work) made a sfc /scannow. reinstalled several times. used different locations on the harddrive. made a antivirus exception
  4. I start the installer and it closes 1 second later. That appears and closes a second later. Tried to start with cmd, but that was the same result.
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