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  1. I'm having this problem too, I just updated it and now I can't get anything higher than about 8fps even with everything turned down/off; 2 chunk visibility, no clouds, fast lighting, the works, and max fps set to about 30. Switching profiles to MC 1.8/Forge helped immensely, though not as much as just launching MC as vanilla unmodded.
  2. On opening Minecraft via the Forge profile from the launcher, I get a screen that says "Forge Mod Loader has found a problem with your minecraft installation" "The mods and versions listed below could not be found" "Forge: minimum version required is" "The file 'ForgeModLoader-client-0.log' contains more information" I can escape that screen to the main Minecraft screen by clicking around randomly for a minute. From there, trying to make a new world or launch an old one causes the game to crash in various ways. That part isn't important; it wants, but the most current version I could find (because it was sort of buried, and the redirect link to the "current" version is outdated) is Actually, attempting to open a new world made after installing Forge gives me "loading map" and then puts me back on the main menu. Opening it again gives me "Forge Mod Loader detected that the backup level.dat is being used" "This may happen due to a bug or corruption, continuing can damage your world beyond repair or lose data/progress" "It's recommended to create a world backup before continuing". I have the options of yes and no. Yes attempts to load it and boots me back to the menu; no just puts me at the menu. If I go into Mods in the Minecraft menu, trying to click on FML causes the game to crash immediately, to desktop. No game or OS crash alert appears. A crash report can be found afterwards in Minecraft's crash-reports folder. For some reason, I don't have an FML log file anywhere I've looked.
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