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  1. https://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding-java-edition/minecraft-mods/mods-discussion/2829286-forge-1-12-not-showing-up-in-launcher In replies
  2. No, I’m just following something I saw a post that said to do with the same problem
  3. Yeah, it says there’s only one version folder but right now I’m copying the .minecraft folder and downloading it again to see
  4. Okay I think I figured out something. I deleted a few other versions in the version folder, but they aren’t going away in the launcher. It seems like whatever’s happening in the versions folder isn’t affecting the launcher, I just don’t know why.
  5. Ok, just did it but it still didn’t work. Just went back into the folder.
  6. There’s a 1.14.3 version, but I’m trying to get the 1.14.4 version. It shows up in the versions folder, but not in Minecraft. https://imgur.com/gallery/63t9R18
  7. Not sure if it’s what you mean.
  8. Sorry, “this” meant the picture that was supposed to show up. https://imgur.com/gallery/H5hDRCg here’s the picture, and thank you.
  9. Okay wait I clicked Installer on latest. (And then this downloaded. Not sure if this is what you mean, and also apologies for bad quality.) I’m trying to upload the picture but it keeps saying -200?
  10. -.- Recommended. And also I can’t get a screenshot, because whenever I take them they don’t work. I’ve looked for fixes multiple times and I haven’t found any. I’m also doing this on my phone. And the launcher is the normal one, updated. Not exactly sure what else that means except the most recent launcher?
  11. http://files.minecraftforge.net/ this is where I got it from, and updated launcher.
  12. So I’ve been trying to download forge 1.14.4 28.1.26 for a long time but it hasn’t been working, but worked for my sister. I got the downloader, downloaded the client , and it still won’t show up in my versions list. I did this probably 5 times, and it’s happened before with 1.12, and I’m not sure what to do : /
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