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Everything posted by bismuth210

  1. I'm creating a custom gamemode using forge in which players get teleported around regularly. I've run into a problem when I do the following: I spawn a firework rocket near a player I teleport the player to a different location I wait a couple of seconds (or minutes) I teleport the player back to the same location as in step 1. Doing this will show the firework spawned in step 1 in step 4, despite significant time having passed in 3. This video shows what I mean: I suspect the reason for why this happens is because once I teleport the player somewhere else, the chunk with the firework is no longer loaded and doesn't get updated. Is there a simple way for me to simply "get rid" of all active fireworks shortly before teleporting players so that this doesn't occur? Or do I really have to forcibly keep all chunks loaded? To be more clear: I don't want to disable fireworks all together, but I don't want remnants of old fireworks showing up when I teleport players. "Killing" all firework rockets when I teleport a player would work fine, but I don't know if/how I can do that. I've tried using /kill @e[type=!player] But that doesn't work for firework rockets apparently.
  2. Thanks! That was exactly what I was looking for.
  3. Hi, I'm trying to spawn in the same particle effect a splash potion produces. I've tried to do this by using an EntityAreaEffectCloud and tuning the radius, duration and RadiusPerTick parameters. However, as the name suggests, this always produces a 'cloud' and not a 'splash' type effect. How can I simply instantiate a splash potion particle effect into a world? It does not need to have any potion effects etc. Merely the particles are what I'm interested in.
  4. Ah, that seems to have worked just fine. Thanks very much! I presume "onBlockDestroyedByPlayer" gets called by server and client. The lingering effect would thus occur when spawning an EntityAreaEffectCloud into a world running on the logical server.
  5. Hi, I'm trying to spawn a cloud of particles when a certain block breaks. I have an "EffectCloudSpawner" object that simply does the following: public static void spawnCloud(World world, BlockPos pos) { EntityAreaEffectCloud eaec = new EntityAreaEffectCloud(world, pos.getX()+0.5f, pos.getY()+0.5f, pos.getZ()+0.5f); eaec.setParticle(EnumParticleTypes.SPELL); eaec.setRadius(0.5F); eaec.setDuration(25); eaec.setWaitTime(0); eaec.setRadiusPerTick((5.0f - eaec.getRadius()) / (float)eaec.getDuration()); world.spawnEntity(eaec); } Then, I call this method from my Block object public class CustomBlock extends Block { (...) public void onBlockDestroyedByPlayer(World world, BlockPos pos, IBlockState state) { EffectCloudSpawner.spawnCloud(world, pos); } } When I do this, everything works just fine, except that the particle effect stays there for eternity and doesn't disappear after the duration. Doing it through an event, like so: @SubscribeEvent public static void asdfgh(BreakEvent event) { EffectCloudSpawner.spawnCloud(event.getWorld(), event.getPos()); } works perfectly fine. The cloud disappears after the duration. I would like to do it through the block object (the first approach) and not with an event. I'm using MC 1.12.2 I've made a video of my problem which you can see here: The melon block uses the event approach, the pumpkin uses the block approach. As you can see, part of the effect stays there when done with the pumpkin. Both approaches call the exact same function. Anybody know how I spawn an EntityAreaEffectCloud in onBlockDestroyedByPlayer without this problem? Thanks in advance Does
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