I know this is probably gonna sound stupid to most people but I am just now learning minecraft modding. I've done Java development for a few years now, and I've been doing minecraft spigot/bukkit/paper/etc plugins for a while. I decided to get into modding because I got a good offer on a mod I need to make, so I am learning the process right now.
The issue I'm having is just an import issue, I am trying to use the "@Mod" annotation, but I'm getting an error for it, so I need to import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Mod. The issue is that import isn't getting recognized. So I went into the build path (Im using eclipse btw), and couldn't figure out what I was missing, I did everything every tutorial said and still cannot figure out the issue. I'm sure this is a fairly basic problem for most of you so any answers would be much appreciated, which file am I missing, and where do I put it?