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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. Success! Thank you so much @diesieben07 and @DaemonUmbra for sticking with me. I know that was probably frustrating I made that a whole lot harder than it needed to be. Cheers
  2. I'm not sure if this will help but I do have this jdk installed which I believe gives me another option to run .jar files. This could be completely irrelevant but I thought it wouldn't hurt to mention.
  3. Adding quotes caused the cmd prompt to open for a split second and gave me the message C:\Users\spear\OneDrive\ServerTest>C:"Program Files"\Java\jre1.8.0_231\bin\java.exe -jar forge-1.12.2- I've attached an image but since the cmd prompt closes so fast it's not very clear.
  4. What should I be typing into the cmd prompt to execute the .bat file? I thought I was supposed to replicate my input from the .bat file into the cmd prompt.
  5. Sorry in advance if I made mistakes here, I'm new with this stuff.
  6. I changed it from .bat to .txt to screenshot. Sorry for the confusion.
  7. I've located my Java 8 java.exe file and created a Launch.bat file to run it inside my server folder. I still do not get any popups, I'll attach screenshots.
  8. Hi, I know here probably isn't the place to ask for help but if it's quick would you mind helping me with specifying the full path to the Java 8 java.exe instead of just invoking "java" and relying on your PATH? If this isn't the place to ask this question could you let me know where I should go to get help with this?
  9. OK I assumed the file name Server Test caused that issue so I renamed it and tried again.
  10. Not sure if I did it right but here's what I got.
  11. I've reinstalled Java Version 8 Update 231, I'm still having the same issue when attempting to launch the forge- .jar file.
  12. Hello, I'm trying to create a 1.12.2 Minecraft server which I've successfully done in the past with 1.12.2. I've gotten to the step of changing the EULA from false to true then launching the minecraft_server.1.12.2.jar file successfully. So I basically have a vanilla server without and mods since I cannot generate a mod folder. There are no popups when I double click the forge-1.12.2- file. Here is my latest.log - https://pastebin.com/m9Smx7Rn I've read other threads on similar errors. I've tried creating a Launch.bat file which results in the same outcome (nothing visually happens.) I've also tried launching previous servers with similar forge versions which results in the same outcome. One of the previous servers I tried launching which encountered the same error has forge-1.12.2- with Minecraft version 1.12.2. I have not been able to launch any forge- .jar files even though I am able to launch all minecraft_server .jar files. (I recently installed jdk-12.0.2_windows-x64_bin.exe and Git-2.23.0-64-bit.exe for my Java class but I'm not sure if either of those would make a difference.) I'm sorry if this is not enough information, if you need anything else I'll gladly provide.
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