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Everything posted by CitronHades

  1. Just above you said that it wasn't necessary in my case to use a TileEntity. I'm lost and there is no doc about this topic in the forge documentation
  2. Ok thank you for your reply, it's less confuse now. But do you know where can I found an up to date tutorial about Container and Screen ?
  3. Hi everyone, I'm developing my very first mod for my minecraft 1.14.4 server. This mod is really simple, it adds 3 types of coin and a "screw press" to turn lower coins into higher coins. I've successfully implemented the coins and the screw press block. And now I want to add a GUI to my screw press to allow the player to turn 64 copper coins into a silver coin or the opposite (1silver coin into 64 copper coins). The problem is that I'm a bit confused about the way to do that. I've read the few available tutorial about modding MC 1.14 (the yt playlist of Jorrit Tyberghein and the blog of Cadiboo) but not the exact same thing that I want to to, or it's not already covered. So I have few questions : Should I create a TileEntity "linked" to my Block (it's not clear for me what is exactly a TileEntity) ? What is the goal of the Container, and of the Screen ? Do you have other tutorials about the current MC 1.14 version ? Many thanks for your help !
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