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Posts posted by hijackster99

  1. I am attempting to make a fluid for my mod in 1.16.4, but I cannot find any help online for how this is done. I have tried looking at how other mods do it and so far I have a Fluid class, a Fluid Block class, and a Bucket class. So far my fluid seems to exist in some capacity, but the bucket doesn't work, and when I try setblock, it does not work with the fluid block, but it does work with the still version of the fluid, except the fluid state still shows as empty, it just now has the falling boolean property. At this point I am pretty much stuck. I assume I am missing something (probably obvious), but I can't figure out what it is.

    Fluid class:



    Fluid Block class:



    Bucket class:



    Main class with registries:


  2. I have a tile entity with a custom render that renders the item stored in the tile entity above the tile entity. The render works great, but I have a problem when I read from nbt, the item does not render until the slot is updated. I believe this is because I only send packets when onContentsChanged is called, and in addition to that, only when the worldObj is defined. when the read nbt function is called the world is not yet defined, so I need to somehow, schedule some kind of an update for later, when the world obj is defined. I know I could do this if the tile entity ticked, but I don't really want to make the tile entity tick just for this.

    tile entity class:
    main class:



    Packet Handler:


  3. I am working on tile entity to store items, and so far I have it setup to open a GUI on right click, and I have code for adding a slot to the container, but it does not add the slot and I am not sure why, it looks ok to me so I am not sure what is wrong


    Container Class:



    TileEntity Class:



    Main Class:





    Thanks for the help!

  4. So I have Forge setup, it will launch the game and everything, but it will not detect my mod.








    base class:



    As far as I can tell all of these files are setup correctly, so I have no idea what is going wrong here. Thank you

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