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Everything posted by RobinCirex

  1. Hey guys, how do I change the yellow join and quit message?
  2. Thank you very much, that helped
  3. Hey, I'm trying to make a custom zombie right now and was trying to spawn it. It doesn't move at all and can't be attacked. I even tried it with a normal zombie, but still, it doesn't move. EntityZombie zombie = new EntityZombie(worldIn); zombie.setPositionAndRotation(pos.getX(), pos.getY() + 1, pos.getZ(), 0, 0); worldIn.spawnEntity(zombie); This is how I'm doing it Would be nice if you helped me
  4. Hey guys, I'm trying to create custom inventories which is like a menu. I created an ItemStackHandler and added items to that, though I don't know how to open that as a gui. Can someone tell me how I do that?
  5. Hey, I've been working on a mod and I wanted to use the org.lwjgl.input.Keyboard class but I couldn't find the library for some reason? Is it removed in 1.14 or is there an alternative class or something?
  6. Okay, is there any way to build a project without the use of gradle? That would really save me
  7. Hey, I want to ask something about the older versins (1.7.10 in this case) I understand that you don't support people anymore, but now they shut down the maven repositories or something like that? At least I can't build / setupWorkspace anymore and that's not only me. Someone else made a thread about it like 8h ago too. Can someone explain me why? I was payed for a mod and used that version because the customer wanted me to and now I can't send the mod to the person I programmed it for and I'm probably losing money now because of that. Please don't just reply with "you won't get support on older versions" or something like that, I really want an answer. Robin
  8. Oh, sorry. Yea, a friend asked me to make this mod Can you still help? ?
  9. Hey, I'm currently working on a mod and for some reason, the join listener isn't called. I've probably made somne stupid mistake and I'm gonna facepalm when realizing, but still, can someone help me? @EventHandler public void init(FMLInitializationEvent event) { MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.register(new PlayerJoinListener()); proxy.init(event); } @SubscribeEvent public void onJoin(PlayerLoggedInEvent event) { System.out.println("test"); event.player.addChatComponentMessage(new ChatComponentText("test")); }
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