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  1. It took me a while to respond back to this, but I figured out what the issue was. On Windows, I had to edit a registry key to enable ANSI and only THEN did the flags for color work! I also managed to get it to work on the latest 1.18.2 Forge server as well (The new JVM argument thing is strange, but I kind of like that it's kept in a separate file. What is the reasoning behind that?) BTW, here is the registry key to add/change for other people who want color in their console! [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Console] "VirtualTerminalLevel"=dword:00000001 After it's enabled, add these flags to your start.bat or user_jvm_args.txt -Dterminal.keepMinecraftFormatting=true -Dterminal.jline=true -Dterminal.ansi=true
  2. I have zero clue on how to use that program. Is there a more simplified method? Also, did RLCraft do something special with the forge server to make it automatically produce color within command prompt or am I missing something?
  3. Thank you, I'll try this. I am very confused as to how it would work with RLCraft but not my Server!!
  4. Hey there, I was just wondering if ANSI is still supported for newer versions of the forge server. I had an RLCraft 1.12.2 Server that supported color within the command prompt window right off the bat with no extra commands, but when I try to run a forge 1.16.5 server, it simply does not output color into the console. I have tried manually enabling ANSI for CMD in my Registry but even that doesn't work. Have you stopped supporting color or is there a way to enable it? Thank you. In the first image, you'll see my 1.16.5 server running without color. The command I used to start it was :start java -Xmx8192M -Xms1024M -jar forge-1.16.5-36.1.0.jar nogui timeout /t 10 /nobreak goto start The second image is a 1.12.2 RLCraft Server. The command used to start that one was @echo off java -Xmx6G -Xms4G -jar forge-1.12.2- nogui PAUSE There are no special parameters that are added to the batch file to start that would enable color. I am lost.
  5. I FORGOT TO UPLOAD THE DEBUG FILE SORRY It won't let me upload directly on the website so here https://www.mediafire.com/file/kvci2zj44u8i5tq/debug.log/file
  6. I removed OresAboveDiamonds and I also removed AdditionalEvents because it said something about loot tables and I thought that might fix my problem (No longer does the console output Loot Table errors). I had to remove two other mods that used AdditionalEvents (LavaBaubles and UnstableTools) and after that, the server was starting up but I ran into another issue I forgot to mention. Sometimes when generating a new world it will freeze at 97% or somewhere near that which makes me think it might be some sort of generated ore or structure that is causing the crash. It happens sometimes but not every time. I provided the debug logs, hopefully you can figure it out because I can't lol.
  7. Thank you Daemon for responding, you are the first person to help me out instead of bringing me down for using a beta version of forge lol. I will remove the Ores Above Diamonds and let you know what happens!
  8. Hey, My name is Alex, I just switched my email and made a new account so I could change my name (Old name was EnderBoy898). I have been trying to put together A 1.15.1 Modpack for me and my friends to play on but I keep running into SO MANY BUGS. Just when I think I have it working it ends up crashing or freezing again. My current problem has been causing me so much trouble that I just want to pull all my hair out. I can't tell if it's a Mod Conflict, a Broken Mod, or just Forge being broken. I started up the server and noticed there were a bunch of errors in console about loot tables and other stuff like recipes, I knew immediately I was going to run into issues so I loaded up the client, logged into the server and checked the nearest Minecart chest and there was NO LOOT AT ALL (keep in mind this was a brand new world). I teleported all the Chest Minecarts to me and checked them all...still nothing. After I realized that everything was broken I started to notice even more was broken. I open up my inventory and find JEI is not even working. I thought maybe I forgot to add it to the mods and so I check but there it is. About 5 minutes after I found those two bugs the whole server randomly froze up. Mobs stopped moving, chunks stopped rendering, blocks wouldn't drop tiles, and then it kicked me saying "Timed Out". The server never put out a crash report or anything that shows what went wrong, it just freezes until I forcibly close it. I removed three structure generation mods Ruins, Dungeon Crawl, and Valhelsia Structures and started up the server again to see if it worked without those mods and I noticed that JEI was working but Loot tables were still messed up and shortly after the whole server crashed but luckily this time there was a crash report (although there might not be much in the crash report, it only was generated because the server took 60 seconds for 1 tick) Now hear me out, I know that it's stupid of me to create a Modpack on a beta version of Forge using a bunch of Beta Mods but I think it's a good thing I am doing this. It helps everyone out because I am finding so many bugs, conflicts and more. I have already reached out to more than five different devs about their mods crashing the server on startup but I can't even do that now because I can't find which mod is causing the issues to begin with. I need help figuring out WHICH MOD IS THE ISSUE for both the Loot Table bug and the World Freezing Up bug (All these issues happen on Singleplayer and Multiplayer). If someone could read the log and try and single out one or more mods as the cause that would be amazing. I will be posting the server logs, crash report, config, list of mods and the ZIP file for installing this mod on the TWITCH LAUNCHER (in case one of you wants to load it up and try yourself. Sometimes it takes a while for the world to freeze but it will happen. I can provide more info if need be and I won't be touching the files until I get a response from someone. Minecraft Version: 1.15.1 Forge Version: 1.15.1 - 30.0.41 Thank you for reading this and possibly helping me out. p.s. I got an error when uploading that 1mb file and it said "< 200" which is confusing. Just in case the file doesn't upload here is a link to the same file on Mediafire https://www.mediafire.com/file/lk4enlslbxtvnqk/Help.zip/file
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