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Everything posted by Sekwah

  1. I just solved the issue, check the edit in the comment above. Thanks for asking tho. I did indeed re-ran the setup (build.gradle and genIntellijRuns) several times, it was just that i wasn't looking in the right places. Also thanks for the link, it'll come handy later. I already know the basics about Java, OOP and the syntax (i think that's how it's called in English?), it's just that i don't have much experience and i'm also new to Intellij (was using NetBeans previously), but the other in-depth forge information will be really useful!.
  2. Not really. I mean i know a bit (very basic stuff) of other languages but not as in-depth as i know Java (which isn't thaaaaaat much). Why? Edit: I'm kinda stupid and didn't noticed there were some typos when registering the block and such. Fixing those registry errors actually fixed the problem. I was kinda lost and looking at other things because of that little detail that the game launched using 1.14.4 but not when using 1.15, now i think it's because of the order that Forge follows to load and register mods, is that correct?
  3. First of all, sorry if something isn't clear, English isn't my main language. Also i'm quite fresh new to modding and still learning Forge and Java. I started with McJty's modding tutorials yesterday and so far i've created a block, texture, etc (basically everything shown in the video). The only differences is that i'm using Forge's 1.15.1MDK and, as logical, using that version in my mods.toml file. Everything else (mapping snapshots, forge version, etc) is up to date. Tried with 1.15MDK for a while, after failing to get it to run i switched to 1.15.1MDK and respective files and declarations. loaderVersion is set to 30 (latest as of 1.15.1), tried with 29 (1.15, while using 1.15 client) and even 28 which is the one set by default. versionRange (from forge) also set to 30, also tried with the other 2. versionRange (from minecraft) set to 1.15, 1.15.1 (tried 1.15MDK for a while, after failing to get it to run i switched to 1.15.1MDK). Even tried setting it to work from 1.15 onwards or even 1.14.4 (the one that was set by default) onwards. In any of those cases the FML early loading process will start and finish, but when minecraft is about to launch it crashes (the code doesn't show any errors, neither does the compiler). The only way i can get it to run if i set the minecraft versionRange to 1.14.4. It doesn't matter if it's 1.15, 1.15.1 or if i change the forge versions to lower ones, it only works when using minecraft 1.14.4 (haven't tried previous versions). And there isn't any file in my mod pointing to 1.14.4, in fact the only files with minecraft versions are mods.toml, and earlier mcmod.info (tried using it, along with my @Mod useMetadata value set to true as stated in documentation). There's no way to run it in 1.15. When i run it as 1.15 or 1.15.1, but setting minecraft versionRange to 1.14.4, it loads (and obviously gives me the notification that the mod isn't created for 1.14.4). Is there something i'm missing? Some other file i should modify? Haven't been able to find any information regarding this, only older tutorials of people showing how to update a mod version (the same way i'm doing). Sorry if this is a common question or if it's already explained somewhere else, couldn't find it. Edit: problem is already solved! I can't believe it took me that much time lol. Always remember to check that you're using the proper variable names and to check your syntax!
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