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Ap0ll0Gu1danc3C0mput3r's Achievements

Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. Would I run this as Minecraft.exe --proxyHost=xxx.xxx.x.xxx --proxyPort=xxxx ? Or another way. I was unaware that this was an option! Thank you, sir!
  2. I did. My problem is not the installer. That ran perfectly. My problem is the files that are supposed to be grabbed by the launcher when play is clicked. Since I can't run minecraft.exe through a proxy, and I can't disable the proxy, my only option is to manually grab certain files and put them into the correct directory.
  3. Is it possible to manually download 1.15.1-forge-30.0.51.jar or any other example of that type of file. I need it because I've got a proxy, and can't run Minecraft.exe through it. Also, if I need a .json file, can I download it manually? I'd presume it would be put into the same folder as the jar.
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