I am not sure if this is allowed but i have looked around and cannot find out how to properly use the mojang mappings. Anyone have a guide for the proper use case?
compile fg.deobf('org.squiddev:cc-tweaked-1.15.2:1.88.1')
idk if that will work but i have mine set up as
// at runtime, use the full JEI jar
runtimeOnly fg.deobf("mezz.jei:jei-${mc_version}:${jei_version}")
// Adds ProjectE as Dependency
compile fg.deobf(curse.resolveID('projecte', project.projecte_file))
Testing recipes I have found for some reason all recipes are gone including vanilla i cannot craft anything,
Was wondering how to go about creating a quarry in 1.15.2, or how you guys would approach it. Any githubs or anything that has examples would be great.